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  1. #1

    Adding Extra filtration after nexus/pump fed filter

    Does anyone have any experience of seeing,or running themselves, an additional filter on the gravity return from a pump fed filter? Particularly a nexus

    Can’t find much online but hoping someone can chip in maybe with some pics if possible?

    Obviously I know it’s not a popular setup, due to heights amongst other things but thought it may have been done before?

    My current setup is retro drain to uv then a sieve which feeds into nexus which then discharges into an upper pond/veg filter before returning to pond via blade

    I’ve had problems with ph/kh so I’m going to add oyster shells but don’t want to just dump the bags in the veg filter so was thinking of sitting an extra filter within the veg filter and running the nexus return into that before overflowing into veg filter

    Not sure if that makes sense? Can do a basic sketch if not, any opinions welcome Adding Extra filtration after nexus/pump fed filter

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  2. #2
    May not be of any use, but my system is gravity feed to an air lift in the middle of the filtration path and then return through the rest by gravity as well.
    The only thing you have to ensure is that there is no chance of any kind of blockage in this part of the return to avoid overflow/emptying your pond.
    My DIY ponds from 1988 until present day.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    A sieve could work.
    Bog filter
    Plant bed
    Anoxic chamber
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  4. #4
    That’s helpful cheers, looking at the diagram of yours I guess mine would be the equivalent,position wise, of your outlet chamber-where you have the heaters?

    Overflow probably isn’t too much of an issue as I plan on siting the chamber within the upper pond/bog filter so in the event of an overflow it’d just go into there anyway

    Do we think I would be able to have the nexus return entering into the base of the box and use it in an upflow style? Bearing in mind the return is gravity-I don’t want the added pressure to back up the nexus?

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Alburglar View Post
    A sieve could work.
    Bog filter
    Plant bed
    Anoxic chamber
    I do already have a sieve before the nexus, im just really looking for somewhere to site these oyster shells -and maybe water polishing floss from time to time-preferably in clean water flow rather than just dumping them in bags in the bog filter

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    A very experienced hobbiest with many visits to Japan under his belt, told me that a Japanese breeder told him once that oyster shells only work when the water is acidic. Otherwise they are inert. The japs have large amounts of oyster shells as a fail safe, rather than a gradual buffer. Mainly because they generally run at lower pH (7) and are in much more prone to dropping below that.

    Probably Sid is more likely to have some actual / first hand experience of whether that is true or not?

    Certainly seems feasible to me.

    I have pumice from my original filter and some oyster shells in zip up nylon bags in my sump... probably doing nowt other than being a bio home, but at least I have that fail safe.

    IMO - forget onion sacks, the eBay ones I used degraded and split after a couple of years
    Last edited by Alburglar; 12-01-2025 at 06:48 PM.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Alburglar View Post
    IMO - forget onion sacks, the eBay ones I used degraded and split after a couple of years
    Glad you mentioned that because I was thinking of going that route,I’ll get the better proper media bags and give them a go!

    I’ve had some really low ph drops this year, for unknown reasons-I’ve never struggled with it before-I’ve read as low as 5 which is obviously disastrous and I’ve lost a few fish to it recently so I want to get the shells in there asap

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