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  1. #1

    Filter for skimmer

    Currently in the middle of a total revamp of my pond, I have an Oase floating skimmer on a 4” pipe, filter could be gravity or pump fed, if you had the choice of an easy pod or a tempest (currently both for sale) what would you use or if neither what would you go for?
    this will be independent from my bottom drain filtration and possibly needs to include a uv somewhere depending on what end up fitting to the BD I have a 10k varipump for this skimmer line.

  2. #2
    If you are going for a total revamp why not consider an in wall skimmer?
    Also, for filtration options whats your main filter? Personally I'd just have another line running to that if you can. Almost all drums and combi drums have at least 2 inlets. A drum (and bio) really do make pond keeping easy, the easypod and tempest do tlwjat they say but do need regular cleaning. A drum does all that for you. Plus it means, in most cases, you can reduce the number of pumps required and therefore running costs.

    Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Looks like the pod and tempest have sold straight away (if the bloke turns up) your right, the tempest was a great filter but needed cleaning daily as did the pod when it was on my bd, can’t stretch to a drum just to much money, hopefully I’ve got a 30” k+ bead filter secondhand lined up, I may well try running both bd and skimmer on two separate pumps into it see if it’ll cope.
    the oase skimmer is actually a crack bit of kit, you can drop the pond 3” on a clean/water change and it still works, when you feed just take the outer sleeve off and leave the pump running, it pumps but doesn’t skim and drag the food in, in my humble opinion vastly superior to a wall skimmer

  4. #4
    Member Rank = Nisai PhilN's Avatar
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    I bought an almost new ultrasieve midi for £200 from facebook marketplace for my skimmer line.

    It has much less to deal with than the one one the bottom drain and can be left for over a week.

    Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk

  5. Thanks Paul burt, Alburglar Thanked / Liked this Post


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