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23-06-2024, 12:47 PM #1
Does an anoxic filter work best in darkness?
Hello all,
Does anybody know if an anoxic filter needs or works better in darkness? I’ve read a few articles that indicate nitrifying bacteria establish better in darkness but is this the case for an anoxic filter? I’m assuming the bacteria inside the biocenosis baskets are sheltered from direct sunlight so don’t need to be enclosed as such?
I currently float balls on my anoxic pond, mainly to reduce algae growth and reduce heat loss, this year I’m algae free and my Lillie’s planted with the baskets are really taking off. Ideally I’d like to take the balls out to give the Lillie’s more room to grow, which in turn will shade the filter anyway. I just don’t want to risk stumping the nitrification process coming into our main feeding season by opening it all up to direct sunlight.
Thanks all.
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Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
23-06-2024, 01:00 PM #2
Sorry just to add, it’s more the nitrite to nitrate process I’m wondering about!
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23-06-2024, 01:41 PM #3
Nitrifying bugs in conventional biofilters (nitrosomonas and nitrobacter or nitrospira) are photophobic. Light doesn't kill then but they are more active in the dark so conventional filters work best if they are covered.
Facultative anaerobic bugs are also photophobic but, inside the basket where they live, is pitch black so it doesn't matter to them whether their baskets are in darkness or full sunlight. A point to note is that planted baskets are a little more effective than baskets without plants so they would need to be in daylight.
23-06-2024, 01:56 PM #4
Brilliant - thanks for the explanation Syd, I knew you’d have the answer
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Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
28-06-2024, 12:39 AM #5
Why are the planted baskets more effective than the others syd?
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
Mannh85 Thanked / Liked this Post
28-06-2024, 03:46 PM #6
'Scuse the hasty reply - I'm preparing to go to help out at the BKKS National.
Planted baskets are more efficient because their action helps remove ammonia and any nitrate that is made in the outer zones A and B. Read all about biocenosis baskets here:
Anoxic Filtration (
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