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Thread: Algae advice
18-06-2024, 09:57 AM #1
Algae advice
Hi all,
Yesterday the pond temp.rose above 18c for the first time and I've had an explosion of algae. Can someone help me identify it, it's free floating but larger particles, in the glass it doesn't look much but there's a lot of it.
Is this something the UV should handle? Pond is about 3000 litres with an 18w UV (bulb changed 1 month ago) at 3.5k litres per hour.
Photos attached!
18-06-2024, 04:14 PM #2
Looks like blanket weed that's broken away from the pond walls. Maybe the fish are nibbling at it and pulling it off. If your filter won't take care of it, then maybe you will need to dose with a blanket weed treatment. My preferred choice is Resolve.
7500 litres
Filtreau combi with uv.
Some koi
18-06-2024, 05:43 PM #3
Exactly as Gary said, mine are doing exactly that and the algae on the pond walls are full of black fly larvae etc.etc. so they're getting free food all day, protein and veg but it makes a right mess of your water
The 18W UV should be plenty for 3000L, more UV won't help a lot, the lumps or clusters of algae you're seeing are already big enough so the filter should be able to trap them, what filtration have you got?Last edited by KiOgon; 18-06-2024 at 05:57 PM.
Latest: Sansai Budo Goromo Yamabuki, Nisai; ShiroUtsuri OchibaShigure,Tosai; Beni Kikokryu,KinMuji
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18-06-2024, 06:07 PM #4
Thanks, strange as algae on sides if pond is just a very short, perhaps 2mm. I have a bottom drain into three chambers with filter floss, moving bed then onto the pressure filter rated for 15000l and uv, I don't think they can get through and back to pond so I feel it's multiplying quicker than I can filter it
18-06-2024, 06:07 PM #5
I have got some EA stop blanketweed that I can use anyway.
18-06-2024, 06:17 PM #6
Trouble is the algae clumps are holding oxygen with so floating - not going down the bottom drain. I have a separate skimmer line, grid on the inlet then a basket - to another basket before the pump, returning to pond via bakki shower, the returning water is crystal clear but the grid and baskets are getting bunged up at a alarming rate ATM.
"It is estimated that photosynthesizing algae are responsible for approximately 70% of all atmospheric oxygen. Algae produce oxygen via photosynthesis, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere as a by-product of the process. This process typically occurs during the day when light exposure is at its greatest."Latest: Sansai Budo Goromo Yamabuki, Nisai; ShiroUtsuri OchibaShigure,Tosai; Beni Kikokryu,KinMuji
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Queni Koi Maxi shower For Sale.
Hi is this still available? Thanks