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  1. #1

    Anoxic filtration - 50 baskets - my experience

    Hi everyone,

    I want to share my experience with anoxic filter. 50 baskets total. All submerged in the BIO CHAMBER. I did them because I have constantly high NITRATES (60 - 80 ppm). Fish stock at the moment is around 30 koi).

    Items used making all the basekts:

    1) Moler Medium Grain (Biozorb/Terramol/Danish Pink) Bonsai Soil (size 2-6 mm) - recommend many times when proper cat litter is not available (I live in Poland)


    2) For iron substrate I used mix of FLOURITE, FLOURITE RED (those two with biggest iron content from FLOURITE range), AQUABASIS PLUS



    One basket is:
    - size about 28x28x19 cm
    - 4 kg of danish pink (washet out before putting into the basket)
    - 400 g of mixed iron substrate (wanted to add more than 200 g for longer lasting)
    - sock to keep iron substrate in one place
    - stainles stell mesh on the top to prevent moving around of danish pink








    My initial water parameters before putting the baskets in were:
    - NITRITE - 0,01 PPM at the max, but often test shows LOW (means below 0,01 PPM)
    - AMMONIA - 0,01 PPM at the max, most of the time test shows LOW
    - NITRATE - 60 - 80 PPM range - 99% of the time
    - PHOSPHATE - almost all the time LOW (below 0,01 PPM) - I use PHOSPHREE daily to deal with it (without this it is constantly growing to the levels when blanket weed grows very rapidly and is very strong)
    - ALKANITY - 145 PPM
    - HARDNESS checked by drop test (german scale) - around 7-8 Dh

    Now it is about 5 weeks after putting the baskets into the BIO CHAMBER. No water parameter changes at all (NITRATES). All the basket sit in the bottom of BIO CHAMBER where the water turbulences are lowest.

    Baskets runs next to:
    - drum filter
    - 200 cm, 4 tier bakki shower, 120 kg of ceramic media - will cover my experience with this in another topic very soon
    - moving bed filter with HEL-X
    - 2x trickle tower (Manky Sanke style, but do not work at all in terms of reducing NITRATES) - will cover this also in another topic very soon

    Maybe this is the reason why ANOXIC does not work at all. Maybe it just needs to be standalone bio filter to catch all the AMMONIA before it gets converted to NITRITHE and then to NITRATE.

    Next spring I plan to shut down compoletly MOVING BED, BAKKI SHOWER, TRICKLE TOWERS and check how it is performing as standalone BIO.

  2. Thanks Maddog1, Alburglar, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    I like the stainless mesh idea.

    But yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head: It's supposed to be a standalone biofiltration (along side mechanical only) so you'll need to dial back the other bio filtration, which will be nerve wracking.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  4. Thanks Manky Sanke, Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  5. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    have a look at Ukzero's thread he successfully set up anoxic filtration on an existing system,



  6. Thanks Manky Sanke, Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  7. #4
    I thought it was 5 weeks, but this Thursday it will be 7 full weeks after putting the baskets. With no change at all in NITRATE levels. So plenty of time to start happening at least something...

    I think the best and final test would be to start it all over again early spring, without any other BIO, just the drum.

    In my opinion they are built ok, with all the rules and correct materials used in.

    Hope it will finally work, because with so high NITRATE I have a big problem with blanket weed.

  8. Thanks Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  9. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by slickbe View Post
    I thought it was 5 weeks, but this Thursday it will be 7 full weeks after putting the baskets. With no change at all in NITRATE levels. So plenty of time to start happening at least something...

    I think the best and final test would be to start it all over again early spring, without any other BIO, just the drum.

    In my opinion they are built ok, with all the rules and correct materials used in.

    Hope it will finally work, because with so high NITRATE I have a big problem with blanket weed.
    Yes, as as Kevin Novak and I explain frequently, anoxic filtration was originally conceived as a stand-alone system. It often has a positive effect on nitrate levels when used in conjunction with a conventional filter but will always be playing catch up trying to reduce the high nitrate output a conventional system produces and will be overwhelmed if the conventional system is pinching all the ammonia and turning it into nitrate before the anoxic system can turn it straight into nitrogen gas (strictly dinitrogen N2).

    Anyone considering anoxic filtration should see my article on this link to my website. It's a long read but well worth it to avoid the common mistakes made by those who don't fully understand the system:

  10. Thanks Maddog1, davethefish1, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  11. #6
    The key design feature of my anoxic system was the ability to progressively bypass the moving bed to the point where it is just about ticking over with minimal NH3 input, whereas the Anoxic section gets the lion's share of the NH3. The moving bed section is now mostly there as a back-up for my peace of mind.
    Longer term my NO3 is not zero, but always sub 30ppm which is a significant reduction and very good when you consider that I don't trickle in as such. If I were to shut down the moving bed completely then perhaps NO3 would fall further, but I don't propose to upset what is now a stable system with multiple back-ups and failsafes
    My DIY ponds from 1988 until present day.
    All can be found here:

  12. Thanks Manky Sanke, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  13. #7
    I have removed all the moving bead today. Trickle filter and bakki shower are also totally off. Water temperature is about 7 degree Celsius and rising. So this will be my final test of running sole ANOXIC filtration this spring. If it stars working OK, I will add some more baskets and just leave it alone without any other filtration method - except the drum filter of course. Hope this will finally work!

    Current water parameter are:
    - PH / 8,1
    - TEMP / 7 °Celcius
    - NITRATE / 6 ppm
    - DH / about 10 °dH
    Last edited by slickbe; 11-02-2024 at 10:36 PM.

  14. Thanks Maddog1, Manky Sanke, Alburglar, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  15. #8
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    I'm on the same path slickbe
    I've been on drum and Anoxic only this winter and so far so good,
    This spring and summer will be the big test
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  16. Thanks slickbe, Manky Sanke, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  17. #9
    Water temp. currently 10 degree Celsius and rising. Still no feeding. What is running now is a drum, baskets and UV (2hrs daily, water started to turn green lately).

    All the water parameters are LOW except NITRATES which are around 10-12 ppm.

    At the bottom plenty of blanket weed from the last season. I will try to remove it, when the water gets warmer.

  18. Thanks john1, Shropshire_Tom Thanked / Liked this Post
  19. #10
    One month later. Water around 11 degree Celsius. Almost 3 weeks ago I have started some feedings - 2 times per day. Not much but some.

    NITRATE - same, around 12 ppm at the max
    PHOSPHATES - 0,06 ppm

  20. Thanks Shropshire_Tom Thanked / Liked this Post
  21. #11
    Small update:

    5 feedings per day. Water is cloudy. 2 weeks ago I removed plenty of blanket weed from the bottom. It still grows no matter what natural method is used - bakki, trickle tower, anoxic or moving bead.

    - ammonia / 0.11 ppm
    - nitrite / 0.11 ppm
    - nitrate / around 40 ppm and rising
    - phosphate / LOW (using phosphfree daily)

    So I can say that anoxic basket do not work for me or work very weak. It is now full 6 months anoxic solo, so plenty of time for to show its capability.

    My last resort removing nitrates and others would be big bog filter - 20m2. But this is the sound of the future. No time for this now.

  22. #12
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    Sorry it's not working out for you slick.
    Mine is still testing well, but I haven't been able to ramp the food up for long due to parasite treatments, so I'll be keeping an eye on it when I do.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.



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