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  1. #1

    Recycle RO 4040 Feed Pump

    Hi, does anyone know what pump id need to feed my recycle RO unit. Need it to be able to supply enough water and pressure to go through 3 stage 20’’ filter then into high pressure pump then into two 4040 membranes from clean side of drum?

  2. #2
    Or do I just use a normal small pump that can provide the water and have the high pressure pump on the inlet side of the 3 stage filter

  3. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    you need a pump that can supply both the pressure and more importantly the lph the 4040 membrane requires from a static incoming pressure.
    as most are to boost mains pressure tap water.
    running RRO you are better off with two membranes or you get a lot more waste water, not feeding the waste from one into the second.

    andy finch usually makes these up and might be able to supply what you need to convert yours to RRO if you have the correct membrane type ULP?

  4. Thanks MrHudson Thanked / Liked this Post
  5. #4
    Cheers for your reply, I already have the high pressure pump and both vessels. It’s the pump that gets the water from the drum to the pump I’m after.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrHudson View Post
    Cheers for your reply, I already have the high pressure pump and both vessels. It’s the pump that gets the water from the drum to the pump I’m after.
    i just Tee'd off my return pump pipework,
    when Andy Finch fits them he usually puts a Tee off the shower pump in 1" pipe with a valve to feed the booster pump. @ 24:09

  7. Thanks MrHudson Thanked / Liked this Post
  8. #6
    Ah so you haven’t got it going through a sediment filter first when you’re setup with recycled? Thought having A 20 then a 5 micron pleated sediment filter would expand the life of the RO membranes. I see previously in the Rasta videos he hadn’t had it set up like that coming off of his return feed

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  10. #7
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrHudson View Post
    Ah so you haven’t got it going through a sediment filter first when you’re setup with recycled? Thought having A 20 then a 5 micron pleated sediment filter would expand the life of the RO membranes. I see previously in the Rasta videos he hadn’t had it set up like that coming off of his return feed
    sediment filters first,
    the 1" feeds the 20" sediment filters then the booster pump i think...
    you should be able to see the whole set up if you watch it all

  11. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by davethefish1 View Post
    you need a pump that can supply both the pressure and more importantly the lph the 4040 membrane requires from a static incoming pressure.
    as most are to boost mains pressure tap water.
    running RRO you are better off with two membranes or you get a lot more waste water, not feeding the waste from one into the second.

    andy finch usually makes these up and might be able to supply what you need to convert yours to RRO if you have the correct membrane type ULP?

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    I already have the high pressure pump and both vessels. It’s the pump that gets the water from the drum to the pump I’m after.

  12. #9
    Moderator Rank = Supreme Champion Feline's Avatar
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    I have a 1 inch pipe coming from the clean side of my drum, through 2 washable sediment filters THEN the high pressure pump to the RO membrane. So it’s effectively gravity fed up to the HP pump. My pump was supplied by Absolute Koi, was whatever the one Darren was recommending at the time. It’s lasted a few years which I didn’t entirely expect it to. I have it on a timer to be on intermittently to prevent overheating or burnout- so it’s usually on for 45 mins then off for 15 mins. You can obviously set this up however you like.
    The pumps Andy Finch is selling look a lot bigger and are probably more robust, but also more expensive. If mine packs in I will probably get one from Andy. He wasn’t doing this as a business when I set up my 4040 on pond recycling, but I did copy what he was doing at the time on his own pond. My set up is much more messy than his neat posh looking ones

  13. Thanks davethefish1, Ajm Thanked / Liked this Post
  14. #10
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feline View Post
    I have a 1 inch pipe coming from the clean side of my drum, through 2 washable sediment filters THEN the high pressure pump to the RO membrane. So it’s effectively gravity fed up to the HP pump. My pump was supplied by Absolute Koi, was whatever the one Darren was recommending at the time. It’s lasted a few years which I didn’t entirely expect it to. I have it on a timer to be on intermittently to prevent overheating or burnout- so it’s usually on for 45 mins then off for 15 mins. You can obviously set this up however you like.
    The pumps Andy Finch is selling look a lot bigger and are probably more robust, but also more expensive. If mine packs in I will probably get one from Andy. He wasn’t doing this as a business when I set up my 4040 on pond recycling, but I did copy what he was doing at the time on his own pond. My set up is much more messy than his neat posh looking ones
    still awaiting the promised video walk through of your RO system
    a nice update on your filterhouse would be good too

  15. #11
    Moderator Rank = Supreme Champion Feline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davethefish1 View Post
    still awaiting the promised video walk through of your RO system
    a nice update on your filterhouse would be good too
    I don’t often go there at this time of year haha.
    My RO system is not currently running because I had hip surgery last year, so my partner was needing to check on the pond and filters for me and I didn’t feel it was fair to him to be faffing around. I’ve had very little time this summer because of hosting Ukrainians, who are still with me. So come the summer I will change the 4040 membrane for my new one since the existing one if a few years old, and I also need to replace one of my flow meters which died. Somewhere in my garage I have a black plastic board which I was intending to mount stuff on all Andy Finch style. If I actually get around to doing that I will take some photos

    The rest of my filter system is exactly the same as it was on my pond build thread. The drum works seamlessly. The bottom drains get dumped to waste occasionally, and the plastic media gets a bit of a stir and the bio dumped to waste. The shower I never touch.
    The only thing that’s required maintenance in the 6 years of the pond running is the rubber boot connectors have nearly all needed replacing. The 4 inch blanking ones were the worst, so have now all been replaced with the ones with a cross shaped reinforcement on. One rubber 90 failed last summer with water squirting out of a crack. These are not exposed to daylight much at all as my filter house has no window and a north facing glass door. Oh, and the little 4 inch bypass bungs don’t last very long because of the amalgam UV in the drum clean side. I’ve replaced those a couple of times too.

  16. Thanks davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post


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