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  1. #341
    Quote Originally Posted by rolo View Post
    good morning all and a happy new year. Im in the planning stag of pond MK 2. Having read all 17 pages on the draco drum is everyone still happy with the performance of the drum . im looking at the solum 25 only problems that kept coming up is water level and cleaning intervals both of which have being sorted by yourselves.

    I've had my Draco 16 since May 2020 so been running just ovrer 3.5 years.

    I wish I had gone for the Draco 25 as I've not been able to get the flow rate I've desired on the smaller Draco 16. As for quality, not wishing to tempt fate but not had any failures that I can remember. I am one that changed the mesh to the lesser micron and this did help the ridiculous number of cleans per hour albeit its still alot in the heart of summer; my pond is about 8000 litres and in full sun. The water quality is okay, not as good as I had hoped from having a drum but there may be other factors involved such as food I'm using or stocking level.

    Would I buy another? If I did, it would be the bigger Draco 25. But as I was expecting more from it, and I've had to downgrade the mesh to stop it cleaning every couple of minutes in the summer, I'd certainly look at other options before I bought another. But it's not an outright no.

  2. #342
    Senior Member Rank = Mature Champion Twhitenosugar's Avatar
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    I'd second what Mcwatson said.

    Mine has ran since October 2019 without issue.

    I also swapped to a less fine mesh (around 77 microns iirc) to reduce how often it cleans and also wish I'd gone for the 25 too.

    My water clarity is really good most of the year, but does get a bit crap through summer.

    I think it's the case that my pond is just overstocked, rather than it being the drums fault (given the amount of waste it can reasonably be expected to handle with such a small mesh on it).

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk
    13,000L fibreglassed raised pond with window

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  4. #343
    Senior Member Rank = Nanasai rolo's Avatar
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    many thanks for replies.
    what size are your ponds, plan so far is 3m x 1.5m x 5m internal dimension if maths right 22.5 cu/m or 22500 lts.
    do like the look of drum with separate bio chamber and stand for the drum looks neat and tidy.


  5. Thanks john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  6. #344
    Quote Originally Posted by rolo View Post
    many thanks for replies.
    what size are your ponds, plan so far is 3m x 1.5m x 5m internal dimension if maths right 22.5 cu/m or 22500 lts.
    do like the look of drum with separate bio chamber and stand for the drum looks neat and tidy.

    Mine is box shaped and 3m long, 1.5 wide and about 1.7m deep so about 8000 litres.

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  8. #345
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Supreme Champion john1's Avatar
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    I have 3000 gals on my solum 25 and I wouldn't go any smaller as in the summer it cleans every 30 mins.
    I am over stocked though.

  9. #346
    Quote Originally Posted by john1 View Post
    I have 3000 gals on my solum 25 and I wouldn't go any smaller as in the summer it cleans every 30 mins.
    I am over stocked though.
    Yep, hence my almost immediate regret on getting the smaller Solum 16. 30 mins per clean in the summer would have been perfect but even with the lesser micron mesh, its still sometimes cleaning sub 10 mins when really bad. Usually solved for a week by a jetwasher clean of the mesh but drums were meant to be almost maintenance free so cleaning the cleaner is a bit backwards.

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  11. #347
    Senior Member Rank = Mature Champion Twhitenosugar's Avatar
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    My pond is 13,000 litres (including filters etc).

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk
    13,000L fibreglassed raised pond with window

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  13. #348
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Adult Champion NickK-UK's Avatar
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    Update - I've just found the drum motor has failed. I assume water ingress but I've emailed Draco.

    In short it has been working flawlessly since the time of posting here and it's been on a short 45 minute clean cycle so more than the normal load I suspect.

    My Draco drum now also has two modifications - one is a 2" hose connector for a UVC line and pump, the other is a 1" internal 90 bend that acts like an overflow to stop any rain water or main pond level rising to the point it overflows.
    It's this overflow that (with the drum not turning) caused the water level to drop about an inch in the pond signalling a problem. It's designed not to drop more so at that point the water circulation is driven by the main bottom drain air.
    14000l, my mutts: 2010 Chargoi, 2022 Doitsui/Tancho/Kujaku/Hi Utusri, 2023 Agasi/Doitsui


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