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  1. #1

    Econo Bead 60 Filter system

    Here are my thoughts on the Bead filter.

    Well having now run this for over 4 months i have to say that i am really please with the filter.
    When i was building my pond i looked into alot of filter systems and every time i just kept coming back to the bead filter system.
    I had seen many ponds with other filter systems on and myself 9yrs ago had a 6 bay filter system on a 4000 gallon pond but to say the water was not 100% clear was true.
    I wanted this time to have gin clear water and to have a filter that would cope with what ever amount of food i was going to feed my fish.
    These filters really do keep your water clean and with good tests.
    Cleaning the filter really only takes minutes with a matter of turning the pump off and turning the valve on the top to rinse and then turning the air blower on for 1 or 2 mins. then you turn the top valve back to back wash turn pump back on and it clears all the filter of all the build up of waste to a drain.
    once this is done you just turn the valve back to rinse for about 1 min then back to filter and the job is done.
    its a matter of about 4 or 5 mins per week and thats it.
    the econo bead 60 will filter upto around 6000 gallons so by being on a pond of 2400 gallons i am sure i have enough filter to cope with what ever i what to do with feeding or adding fish.
    so all round i have got to rate this system and filter 10/10


    any questions please ask

  2. #2
    yeah , I WANT ONE.....any silly deals on ebay mark ???.
    Seriously after all that effort in building a pond it's good to hear you have not come across the old dilemma of 'i wish i'd bought ' , unlike myself who was dictated into using the brand new equipment given to me i just know its not going to be easy building trickykoipond 2 due to size of koi i now have i am going to need a very large paddling pool to house them whilst the build is in progress

  3. #3
    Hi ya mate well being that this is my 2nd pond i must admit i did learn alot from the first one but the only thing i would of liked was it bigger as my first was 4000 gallons and this one is 2400 so its abit smaller but the workings of it will be so much better in the long run and who knows i may go bigger in time or pond another one as i would like about a 1000 gallon pond to grow some small koi on to sell. but lets not think about that just yet and get this one all finished lol. mark

    ps been nothing on ebay for months now lol.

  4. #4
    thought i best post some pics on the way to use the air blower as i know some one on here does not have them lol. (tricky) lol
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #5
    I downloaded the Ultrabead UB60 pdf instruction manual mark so all i need to do now is learn to read

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by markf1fan View Post
    Here are my thoughts on the Bead filter.

    Well having now run this for over 4 months i have to say that i am really please with the filter.
    When i was building my pond i looked into alot of filter systems and every time i just kept coming back to the bead filter system.
    I had seen many ponds with other filter systems on and myself 9yrs ago had a 6 bay filter system on a 4000 gallon pond but to say the water was not 100% clear was true.
    I wanted this time to have gin clear water and to have a filter that would cope with what ever amount of food i was going to feed my fish.
    These filters really do keep your water clean and with good tests.
    Cleaning the filter really only takes minutes with a matter of turning the pump off and turning the valve on the top to rinse and then turning the air blower on for 1 or 2 mins. then you turn the top valve back to back wash turn pump back on and it clears all the filter of all the build up of waste to a drain.
    once this is done you just turn the valve back to rinse for about 1 min then back to filter and the job is done.
    its a matter of about 4 or 5 mins per week and thats it.
    the econo bead 60 will filter upto around 6000 gallons so by being on a pond of 2400 gallons i am sure i have enough filter to cope with what ever i what to do with feeding or adding fish.
    so all round i have got to rate this system and filter 10/10


    any questions please ask
    ive got a question...................ermmm

  7. #7
    go on steve fire away then lol

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by markf1fan View Post
    go on steve fire away then lol
    only joking , was gonna say , how much you gonna sell it for on ebay

    all joking aside , atleast it will keep your water very clean , sometimes i wish mine was crystal clear all the time !!

    i do get the odd day when theres no water surface tension and its gin clear , and the fish look like there swimming in mid air which is very cool !!

  9. #9
    Well to be honest my last 4000 gallon was hard work to keep clear so with this
    I'm so much more happier it stays clear. I should have gone twice the size when building it but we all say this after lol

  10. #10
    Mark, as you know I'm trying to get that "gin clear water". I have a 4 bay filter. A bottom drain, 4" piping brings the water to the first bay. The last bay has a Hozelock Vorton 5500 submersable pumping the water through a Hozelock 22watt UV back into the pond. Would I be able to convert to the filter like you have. I see that getting rid of the bay would not be the problem. Its can I make use of the 4" piping that comes up to my first bay and how would I get the water back into the pond. If I could solve this I think I'll be on a winner. THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR HELP. Michael

  11. #11
    Michael, the 4"pipe will go straight to a sieve then you run 2" or 1"1/2 from the sieve via a pump to the beadfilter then return from the bead to the pond .

  12. #12
    Have a look at marks pond build michael and you will see how easy it will be to convert

  13. #13
    look at this and you can see how the 4" pipe goes in

  14. #14
    Thanks Tricky. What does a Sieve do I'm not familiar? Sorry if it sounds a stupid Question

  15. #15
    basically the sieve does everything your bayfilter does but all the crap is pushed to the bottom where it can be flushed away and the cleaner water goes through the sieve to the beadfilter which polish's it even further resulting in gin clear water ...you have to see one running to believe it mate thats all i will say ,the simplicity of this is astounding

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by abbeyline View Post
    Mark, as you know I'm trying to get that "gin clear water". I have a 4 bay filter. A bottom drain, 4" piping brings the water to the first bay. The last bay has a Hozelock Vorton 5500 submersable pumping the water through a Hozelock 22watt UV back into the pond. Would I be able to convert to the filter like you have. I see that getting rid of the bay would not be the problem. Its can I make use of the 4" piping that comes up to my first bay and how would I get the water back into the pond. If I could solve this I think I'll be on a winner. THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR HELP. Michael
    right there is 2 ways you can get around this, one is get rid of you bay filter altogther and buy a sieve and bead filter and filter your pond this way or another way is buy a bead filter and when you pump you water from you bay filter just pump the water into a bead filter and the back into your pond, that way you can keep your bay filter and not need to buy a sieve. it all depends on how much you want to spend on doing this. tricky brought a bead filter for £330 off ebay which was worth well over £1100

  18. #18
    Hi Mark,

    Which pump do you run with your EB60? I am thinking of buying one to add after my Nexus 310. I currently have a 12000 pump but lifting the return up 1 meter to sort of simulate adding a bead filter, the flow rate drops significantly.

    I do however have a lot of fines passing through the Nexus so maybe the flow rate is too high anyway.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by AlanK View Post
    Hi Mark,

    Which pump do you run with your EB60? I am thinking of buying one to add after my Nexus 310. I currently have a 12000 pump but lifting the return up 1 meter to sort of simulate adding a bead filter, the flow rate drops significantly.

    I do however have a lot of fines passing through the Nexus so maybe the flow rate is too high anyway.
    hiya mate
    in my oipion nexus are crap for fines. i have seen many ponds and not one of them had good clear water. a bead filter will help big time. i run a 12000 pump on my bead filter from a sieve through bottom drain. hopes this helps mark

  20. #20
    Thanks Mark. I have ordered an Aquadyne 2.2b with a high pressure swimming pool pump. It amazing how cheap they (pump) are compared to anything with "koi" attached to the label.


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