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- Welded Liner v's Fibreglass
Welded Liner v's Fibreglass
I got a ball part figure for fibreglassing my new pond today (when it's eventually build) so I know what sort of money I am going to need to spend.
I wondered how a Welded Box Liner normally stacks up against fibreglassing a pond. Has anyone done a like for like price comparison?

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I got a ball part figure for fibreglassing my new pond today (when it's eventually build) so I know what sort of money I am going to need to spend.
I wondered how a Welded Box Liner normally stacks up against fibreglassing a pond. Has anyone done a like for like price comparison?
yes i have done this, i have a 2400gallon pond and when it was all bricked up and ready i looked in glassing and they wanted £750 to glass my pond yet a box welded liner £350 so thats over half the difference so with this i went for the box welded liner and am very very pleased with it. now pond has been running 18 months you can not tell its got a liner in at all. it worked for me but it really is a matter of choice.

Originally Posted by
yes i have done this, i have a 2400gallon pond and when it was all bricked up and ready i looked in glassing and they wanted £750 to glass my pond yet a box welded liner £350 so thats over half the difference so with this i went for the box welded liner and am very very pleased with it. now pond has been running 18 months you can not tell its got a liner in at all. it worked for me but it really is a matter of choice.
Cheers for the feedback Mark, so less than half the price... I presume you need to include some sort of protective membrane or something on top of that then for the liner?
Do they have a suggested life span for the liner?

Originally Posted by
Do they have a suggested life span for the liner?
10 years seems to be about 'normal' for guarantee purposes and yes, an underlay is a must to smooth out any imperfections in the blockwork, also part of the guarantee with many sellers.
1630 Gallon raised pond
4" 'Avenue' bottom drain
Estro sieve
Econobead EB60 bead filter
Sequence 18000 pump, 6000 pump on skimmer line
Elecro 2kW in-line heater
Evolution Aqua 70 air pump
Standard wall skimmer
Hozelock Vorton 55watt UV
and some nice koi 
Much will depend on how long you intend the pond to last.
Decent glass job will last but will cost, box weld is cheaper, but carries with it the chances of degradation with light, chemicals, accidental damage, together with the ever present issue of seam failure.
most good box welded liners will have 25yrs on them. mine has a life time guarantee on all joins and seams. and yes a underlay is needed
A good friend of mine and dave has had his box liner fail twice on the seams , resulting in major probs drain down fish out ect,ect . I have also heard but not had it confirmed that pp breaks down the liners resulting with major leaks .

Originally Posted by
A good friend of mine and dave has had his box liner fail twice on the seams , resulting in major probs drain down fish out ect,ect . I have also heard but not had it confirmed that pp breaks down the liners resulting with major leaks .
so how long are you saying a liner would last, a very good friend of mine has had his liner in his pond over 30yrs and not one leak in it. yes i agree glassing the pond is better if you can aford it.
To me thats in the hands of the gods (30 years ) Jesus he must have the hose going day and night keeping the water level , I have heard of people damaging liners with pond vac s . Each to there own but I valve my koi and I want to put them a safe environment , I try to limit the probs that could occur and wouldn't want my koi all out one cold winter morning into vats trying to sort a leak out . £400 difference is it worth it ?
If you fibreglass do you also have to render the blockwork or can you fibreglass straight onto the concrete blocks ?

Originally Posted by
so how long are you saying a liner would last, a very good friend of mine has had his liner in his pond over 30yrs and not one leak in it. yes i agree glassing the pond is better if you can aford it.
Is your friend's a box weld liner Mark?
I know of a fair few that have failed, mainly on the seams and within 5 or 6 years.

Originally Posted by
To me thats in the hands of the gods (30 years ) Jesus he must have the hose going day and night keeping the water level , I have heard of people damaging liners with pond vac s . Each to there own but I valve my koi and I want to put them a safe environment , I try to limit the probs that could occur and wouldn't want my koi all out one cold winter morning into vats trying to sort a leak out . £400 difference is it worth it ?
Well for me it was worth going the box welded route but it really is upto the person building the pond. just my opinion.

Originally Posted by
If you fibreglass do you also have to render the blockwork or can you fibreglass straight onto the concrete blocks ?
You have to render. As the fibreglass takes on the imperfections underneath it. I believe the fibreglass seals better to render as well.

Originally Posted by
Is your friend's a box weld liner Mark?
I know of a fair few that have failed, mainly on the seams and within 5 or 6 years.
Hi Dave
no its not, just a straight forward liner. i got my box welded liner through avenue fisheries and it has a life time guarantee on all joins and seams and even have full proof of this if it ever fails.

Originally Posted by
You have to render. As the fibreglass takes on the imperfections underneath it. I believe the fibreglass seals better to render as well.
Thats what I thought , the reason I asked was I was wondering whether it would work out cheaper and better to line it with 50mm celotex which gives a smooth finish to fibreglass to and also adds some heat insulation to the pond as opposed to paying a plasterer to give it 2 coats of render and paying for the sand and cement, 50mm celotex is about £20 a sheet 8'x4'

Originally Posted by
Thats what I thought , the reason I asked was I was wondering whether it would work out cheaper and better to line it with 50mm celotex which gives a smooth finish to fibreglass to and also adds some heat insulation to the pond as opposed to paying a plasterer to give it 2 coats of render and paying for the sand and cement, 50mm celotex is about £20 a sheet 8'x4'
About half that price if you go for seconds
the 100mm boards I used for the shed were £18 a sheet.

Originally Posted by
If you fibreglass do you also have to render the blockwork or can you fibreglass straight onto the concrete blocks ?
shouldn,t need to. The guy i used used a insulating material to keep warmth in straight to the blockwork then glassed on top of that., make sure you use triangles in all the corners and across the bottom to help with good water flow. You then may want to investigate a flat bottom or benching it. I had mine fibreglassed and havent had a problem and that is with a window.

Originally Posted by
About half that price if you go for seconds

the 100mm boards I used for the shed were £18 a sheet.
did you get them from that place down the end of Stanley road Benfleet Dave

Originally Posted by
shouldn,t need to. The guy i used used a insulating material to keep warmth in straight to the blockwork then glassed on top of that., make sure you use triangles in all the corners and across the bottom to help with good water flow. You then may want to investigate a flat bottom or benching it. I had mine fibreglassed and havent had a problem and that is with a window.
This is what I was talking about in my other post about using celotex instead of render , it probably works out cheaper per square metre

Originally Posted by
This is what I was talking about in my other post about using celotex instead of render , it probably works out cheaper per square metre
So what do you use to fix the Celofix to the blockwork then?
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