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Thread: Pond advice

  1. #1

    Pond advice

    Hi everyone.

    I recently moved into a place which has a well established pond setup, albeit I think the equipment is quite old.

    From what I can see, there is a hose from the pond (it has a cup at the end that goes in the water) and it runs up to a Yamitsu black box (large). This has a UV lamp next to it, and a run back round to a waterfall/water feature for the water to return to the pond.

    The water feature has recently stopped, so that's what prompted me to take a look. I can't see a pump anywhere on the run - is it possible for it have been a siphon loop up to the black box and then back down to the waterfall?

    The black box has about a third of water missing, so no water above the 2 outlet pipes.

    I'd like to restore the pond to good working order, replace the UV lamp and get it up to requirements for some larger fish (it already homes lots of smaller fish).

    Would anyone familiar with this kit be able to steer me in the right direction at all please? Thankyou in advance.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Jussai Djstiles999's Avatar
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    Jan 2019
    Forest of Dean
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    There will be a pump somewhere, I'm guessing in the pond? What size, depth etc and a picture or two would help people offer some advice?
    13,243 gallons, Filtreau HF30’s K1 capacity of 1,400l, Bakki Shower, BHM and understanding wife

  3. Thanks RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post


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