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  1. #1

    Render or insulation?

    Hi All,
    Block walls are going up on my new build, and I'm trying to decide what to do on the inside before fibreglassing. I'm not going to be heating the pond, and I can't really imagine ever doing so other than to stop it freezing, but I could put a layer of 25mm Kingspan on the inside before fibreglassing, It's either that or put on a coat of render. Anyone got any advice? I'm rendering the bottom of the pond to bench it towards the centre anyway.
    Pros/Cons of each I can see:
    +Some insulation if I ever decide to heat
    -Lose some pond volume
    -Will be awkward to fit around window, skimmer etc.
    -Makes walls wider so need wider coping stones
    +Fairly cheap and easy (I'll do it myself)

    Anyone got any other points? If I'm not heating, render seems sensible.

  2. Thanks davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    ponds above ground lose a lot of heat when it's sub zero temps.
    insulation slows the loss of heat if you ever intend to cover your pond.
    if not it make little difference as the vast majority is lost from the water surface.

    covering the pond can hold temps 5-10C above ambient, as the ground gives up a little heat and covers help hold it in.
    rather than immediately losing it if not covered.

  4. #3
    If you aren't going to heat (other than emergency freezing protection) then insulation well below ground level is not your friend. The much more stable subsoil temperature both cools in Summer and warms (even if it's not a lot) in Winter.
    My DIY ponds from 1988 until present day.
    All can be found here:

  5. Thanks RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
  6. #4
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Adult Champion NickK-UK's Avatar
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    Insulation can degrade and collapse.

    My base is concrete and latex concrete to smooth the base. I've dropped high density block onto it from the top of my pond - basically a 1.8m drop without water in. The block bounced and there was no dent or break in the fibreglass under it. I've heard that with insulation it can give and that can cause the fibreglass to crack.

    I just did render around the sides and then fibreglassed over. The only issue I've had is water blowing out the front render that had been painted. I've since switched to tiling it so we'll see if that holds.
    14000l, my mutts: 2010 Chargoi, 2022 Doitsui/Tancho/Kujaku/Hi Utusri, 2023 Agasi/Doitsui



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