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27-03-2014, 09:35 PM #1
about time i put my koi on here lol
hello everyone .
I am always asking for more pics on other peoples post and just thought i best put some of my own on here too lol .
so here goes . taken tonight and i am so not a good camera man
27-03-2014, 09:57 PM #2
Some lovely fish Vince and loving the pond, however, your camera work, er, stinks (sorry)
27-03-2014, 10:06 PM #3
i did say lol
27-03-2014, 10:12 PM #4
Thanks for sharing Vince, got some beaut's there👍
📷5/10 for effort
From David Hawes
27-03-2014, 10:14 PM #5
think i need a new camera lmao well ok think i need to learn to use the one i have.
27-03-2014, 10:16 PM #6
27-03-2014, 10:17 PM #7
It's nice to see your fish finally .
And It's actually a step up from my photography.5500 gallons
27-03-2014, 10:19 PM #8
hell i think 5 out of 10 was a bit too kind to be honest cleveland lol
27-03-2014, 10:30 PM #95500 gallons
27-03-2014, 10:32 PM #105500 gallons
27-03-2014, 10:54 PM #11
Hiya Vince,
Please put a guard on the skimmer, they can really make a mess of themselves when they get stuck in there..
Airstone in the skimmer or just in front that you can turn on at feed time is always a good idea..
Your photo skills are on a par with mine...
27-03-2014, 11:04 PM #12
Vince, your pond or tank looks great. How big is that window? The fish look superb. What camera were you using a homemade biscuit tin with a hole in it. The internal stereo within the pond as seen in picture 5 is different. What do the fish like to listen to?
27-03-2014, 11:27 PM #135500 gallons
27-03-2014, 11:34 PM #14
28-03-2014, 04:04 AM #15
Wow Vince, I'm not sure if it's an optical illusion from the glass, but your fish look absolutely mahoosive! How big is the nice Chag?
Great idea about the airstone in the skimmer! I've got a complicated timer program to make it turn off for an hour after feeding but I have to try and work out what times the Profi feeder is going to feed at to do this and I sometimes get it wrong. They have to chase their dinner across the pond before it disappears!
28-03-2014, 09:49 AM #16
thanks dave i was thinking the same thing myself about the skimmer. the air stone idea is going to be done today. thanks mate. lara the chag is 74cm at the moment its 4 years old, it was 20 cm when i got it. i think as i feed all year round is the only reason the koi get so big. down side so do the bellies, oh same as mine lol the stereo is on the outside of the pond lol think i should put a pick of the inside of the pond house on lol
28-03-2014, 10:55 AM #17
some lovely koi vince,is that a doitsu purachina in pic 1,love doitsus,and I haven't got a chag in my pond yet but do have a big common and large lemon ogon that hand feeds in summer.andi
28-03-2014, 12:52 PM #18
28-03-2014, 01:19 PM #19
28-03-2014, 04:32 PM #20
Lovely pictures Vince. I MUST get my daughter to post some of my koi. Nothing special, but I love them!!!! x
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