i am selling a Nexus 200 completely working with lid cleaning pipe etc Collect from Sheffield £350 ono
POND4.jpgit has no outer ring, been replaced with air stones
Now Sold thanks
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Window now in , should have water in a couple of days !!
fibreglassed and window in !!
Get the other 1/2 to do it :cool:
Welcome and good luck with it all ! from an Ex Matelot !!
Fibreglass done, just waiting for Matt to take the covers off and get photos
Multibay filters can work really well but if your in the forces ( thank you ) they are very...
Any on advice on where or how to set up this filter, from a bottom drain? Undecided on pond...
Would agree on the 110mm inlet or out , but looking at that sealant bodge job looks very rough i do...
Not sure if you’re filter is a kockney koi filter as I think they have a 110mm inlet (gravity fed)...
Did wonder if the work shop stuff was safe to use . Cheers mate . It's the control valves that are...
Pond destruction and construction
Window now in , should have water in a couple of days !!