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07-07-2024, 08:23 AM #1
2 x Gin Rin Kohaku and 1 x Kohaku
Above is a 31cm Gin Rin Kohaku from Cuttlebrook from Sakai parents. Just turned Nisai and 31cm. Very strong bodied fish. £95.
From the same Sakai spawn, 30cm Gin Rin Kohaku £95
Kohaku from same Sakai spawn as the other two, 28cm. £85.
All three are very healthy and have grown like weeds, always fed saki hikari. Pick up only from TF10. I do have bags. Only moving on because I’ve got a weak spot for Kohaku and bought too many…
They were from the £135 each individually selected Cuttlebrook fish. Any questions feel free to ask.
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07-07-2024, 08:24 AM #2
More pictures because of the 4 per post limit:
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07-07-2024, 08:25 AM #3
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Bits for sale
Price drop on the uv. These are £260 new