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Thread: Help with Sick Koi Wanted
31-08-2024, 05:04 PM #1
Help with Sick Koi Wanted
Hi all,
Can you help?
My pond is 4000 litres well aerated and filtered with plenty of plantis. Test parameters are: PH 8.5; Ammonia nil; nitrite nil; temp?? air temp uk
I have 4 medium sized koi and about 10 goldfish all been quite happy till about 5 weeks ago.
Big white koi started erratic swimming behaviour and showed some red streaks on his sides and top. At first I thought it might be sunburn.
Asked first dealer who said give it a salt bath, 2nd dealer advised two doses of malachite and formalinm 3rd dealer suggested using supertabs.
So gave two doses of malachite and formalin, followed by 5 day doses of supertab at0.1 mg/litre, followed by individual salt bath using "salt and no vinegard" article by Duncan Griffiths. I reckon dose was about 14% salt. Dipped him for 4 mins when he went onto his side, gave him another minute after "Poking"him and then returned to pond.He seems to have recovered from that.
However behaviour still a bit strange. He swims erratically fast, puts his head out the water and seems to spit a few times, then returns to normal.
Qu: Is this koi in pain, should I euthanise him
Qu: Any other suggestions to treat him?
No other fish affected or showing any adverse signs.
Utube link for video is:
Heres hoping, many thanks in advance
31-08-2024, 06:51 PM #2
Hi.Can the fish go down deeper in the water?
31-08-2024, 09:32 PM #3
help with sick koi
thanks for interest
yes he can swim at the bottom, mostly spends his time there then every now and then comes up and has a manic thrashing moment, barrel rolls and pokes his head out the water bu about 3 inches then does a couple of small spits.
did manage to get tube video uploaded:
01-09-2024, 03:07 AM #4
Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
01-09-2024, 10:39 AM #5
Koi can behave very strange - like that - with gill flukes, you should get some scrapes and look for flukes with a microscope, or see if you can get someone to do that for you, please don't euthanise him/her, it needs diagnosing then treatments.
Latest: Sansai Budo Goromo Yamabuki, Nisai; ShiroUtsuri OchibaShigure,Tosai; Beni Kikokryu,KinMuji
Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
01-09-2024, 01:25 PM #6
01-09-2024, 02:13 PM #7
Never a good idea to throw chemicals/treatments at you Koi without knowing what you're treating and getting the correct tool for the job at the correct dosage.
As much as netting and bowling your Koi can be stressful, with care and patience and correct equipment you can minimise the stress of catching, which after all could well be less stress than subjecting them to the wrong type of treatments.Latest: Sansai Budo Goromo Yamabuki, Nisai; ShiroUtsuri OchibaShigure,Tosai; Beni Kikokryu,KinMuji
Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
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