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  1. #21
    Latest update. Baytril was not a good match for her and caused black markings like bruising to her head. Thank goodness we got the lab results last week and gentamicin was provided by our vet. She had a second shot tonight and there does appear to be some healing going on ��. I won’t be putting her back into the main pond until she’s a 100% so a new much larger temporary pond arrived today and will be her new home until she’s better. Thankfully she follows her tank buddy up for food and I’m sure she’s actually put weight on. Thanks to all who have responded.

  2. Thanks Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Denise Doherty View Post
    Latest update. Baytril was not a good match for her and caused black markings like bruising to her head. Thank goodness we got the lab results last week and gentamicin was provided by our vet. She had a second shot tonight and there does appear to be some healing going on ��. I won’t be putting her back into the main pond until she’s a 100% so a new much larger temporary pond arrived today and will be her new home until she’s better. Thankfully she follows her tank buddy up for food and I’m sure she’s actually put weight on. Thanks to all who have responded.
    Great News Denise. Keep up the Great Work.

  4. #23
    Thank you. Can't wait to see her back in the pond.

  5. Thanks Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  6. #24
    Important note for anyone reading this thread and thinking that that gentamicin would be the best antibiotic to use to treat all cases where a fish has ulcers:

    A properly diagnosed antibiotic for one fish may not be the appropriate antibiotic for another fish which appears to show the same signs.

  7. Thanks Maddog1, Twhitenosugar Thanked / Liked this Post
  8. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Manky Sanke View Post
    Important note for anyone reading this thread and thinking that that gentamicin would be the best antibiotic to use to treat all cases where a fish has ulcers:

    A properly diagnosed antibiotic for one fish may not be the appropriate antibiotic for another fish which appears to show the same signs.
    Would agree 100%. If our vet had sent the samples to Dr Paula Reynolds in Lincolnshire instead of their usual lab the results would have been known much quicker. Although Baytril is known as the Domestos of the antibiotic world it can truly do more harm than good. The vet prescribed this as a “might work” product but knowing what we know now we should have waited for the lab report. Blood samples and swabs are vital if you really want to save your fish. My poor girl had 3 different types of bacterial infection all of them present in the pond and the previous antibiotic was not suitable for the bacteria she had. Fortunately, it isn’t too late to save her (touch wood).

  9. Thanks Manky Sanke, Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  10. #26
    How is she Denise.

  11. Thanks john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Maddog1 View Post
    How is she Denise.
    Thank you so much for asking. Her course of antibiotics has now finished and the ulcers are nowhere near as bad as they were. New white skin is growing and it looks really clean. She's eating fine too. We are now going to treat topically every 3rd day until it heals completely. She is still in the hospital tank with some salt and acriflavine. I will be so happy when she gets back in the main pond. It has been a nightmare and one I wouldn't wish to ever repeat. Again, thank you for asking.

  13. Thanks Maddog1, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  14. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Denise Doherty View Post
    Thank you so much for asking. Her course of antibiotics has now finished and the ulcers are nowhere near as bad as they were. New white skin is growing and it looks really clean. She's eating fine too. We are now going to treat topically every 3rd day until it heals completely. She is still in the hospital tank with some salt and acriflavine. I will be so happy when she gets back in the main pond. It has been a nightmare and one I wouldn't wish to ever repeat. Again, thank you for asking.
    Hi Denise, That's Great News, Thank you for the reply.

  15. Thanks john1 Thanked / Liked this Post

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