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28-01-2025, 01:32 PM #1
Bloated Asagi. Floating upside down. Eggbound at 5.8 degrees?
I have a short bodied Asagi from a pond spawn. It got huge (girth wise) in the summer. But was eating well and behaving normally.
I assumed it was a female and full of eggs. Over winter I assumed that it would re-absorb the eggs. hasn't.
Now I think it must be something else as when it's at rest it is upside down at the surface. It's still alert and when I take the feeding cover off it rights itself and behaves normally again, albeit swimming a bit awkwardly. I just put some peas in the pond and it ate some, I think.
So still taking food, no pine cone raised scales, no red marks, no flashing from anyone. All other fish behaving normally.
So doesn't seem sick, part from being the wrong way
No immediate facility to QT or heat realistically, so what are the options?
Not a brilliant photo cos he sorts himself out when viewed .
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
28-01-2025, 03:06 PM #2
Crap photos through the window but she is constantly having to swim downwards like this.
Then if she stops for a minute she'll float to the top and rest at the surface.
Last edited by Alburglar; 28-01-2025 at 03:16 PM.
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
28-01-2025, 03:09 PM #3
Pond parameters are normal for me.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 15
PH 8.4
GH 15
KH 12
Phosphate 1mg/l
(I have 1mg/l Phosphate out the tap, plus GH 16 and KH 13)Last edited by Alburglar; 28-01-2025 at 04:36 PM.
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
28-01-2025, 03:43 PM #4
If it is egg bound, can you sedate and 'massage' the eggs out?
Got to be worth a go rather than watching it die right?2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
28-01-2025, 10:53 PM #5
I had a showa do this last year, it suffered a bacterial infection the season before and then around this time going forward it started bloating like yours without the floating upside down bit. I ended up having to euthanise it. I assume it had some sort of organ failure and was taking water on as it was squidgy when I got it out to check and certainly not egg bound.
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28-01-2025, 11:42 PM #6
Yeah, I'll keep my eye on it, but if it's been building up since the summer I'm not hopeful.
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
31-01-2025, 12:54 PM #7
I just re-read my last post and it was not the clearest! The Showa had a bacterial infection the spring/summer of 2023 which I managed to sort and was healing and then the swelling started in the winter 23/24 and continued until I euthanised it early spring 24.
I think you would only be able to get an answer with an ultrasound but not sure how costly that would be.
Bloody hell. Time flies so fast thinking that was nearly 2 years ago!Last edited by samp09; 31-01-2025 at 12:56 PM.
What’s the options in your opinion?