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12-01-2025, 10:50 PM #1
Formalin & Malachite Green almost worked, what next?
Hey all,
My koi have had some white fluffy fungus. It only affects a few of the Koi fish. I used some lighter treatments that only stopped it from spreading. Then, I switched to Kursuri. It removed a lot, but didn't quite finish it off. It's too cold to treat right now, but they have a bit left. Would you treat with it again when it warms up? Are there other more effective solutions?
Pond has a decent filter and running water. I've replaced the majority of the water and dechlorinated. Water quality is appears fine.
Thanks, Tim
13-01-2025, 12:46 AM #2
In healthy water, healthy fish can overcome a bit of fungus by themselves with no treatment.
For multiple fish to have fungus, assuming it isn't injury related there's something else at play that you need to get to the bottom of.
FMG should easily deal with a fungus outbreak so the fact issues remain point to another issue.
Have you kept records of your water parameters prior to and throughout the period they've been affected, and if so, what are the readings and have they been stable?
Is your dechlorinator working ok?
Is the pond and filters clean of sludge etc?
What event triggered the fungus outbreak?
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19-01-2025, 02:23 PM #3
Have you kept records of your water parameters prior to and throughout the period they've been affected, and if so, what are the readings and have they been stable?
These have always been stable. I bought a more advanced water testing kit and it didn't flag any issues.
Is your dechlorinator working ok?
Yes I bought a new one recently. However, I haven't specifically tested for chlorine.
Is the pond and filters clean of sludge etc?
Yes I use Cloverleaf blanket answer and sludge answer. This has worked miracles. There is very little sludge of any description. I have an Oase Filtoclear with a working UV light. I pump the Oase regularly. I haven't taken this apart.
What event triggered the fungus outbreak?
I'm not sure, although it happened during the warm weather. They were fine for many months.
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20-01-2025, 02:38 PM #4
If the Koi aren't showing any other symptoms such as flashing, an issue with poor water conditions at some point would still be my suspicion.
What were the water parameters when the outbreak first appeared, and what have they been between then and now?
- Ammonia
- Nitrite
- Nitrate
- pH
- KH
You can test for chlorine using dpd4 tablets, here's some more information about how it works:
Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
22-01-2025, 02:33 PM #5
If you give us your actual test figures often issues can be identified or eliminated, before generic 'possible' answers are offered.
Some solutions are expensive when on Koi pond scale so you don't want to be just chucking stuff in for 'maybes'.
The dpd4 tablets are very cheap to buy to test for chlorine.2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
Big Drum, big anoxic filter. Air lift returns. Sit back and enjoy the pond. If it's too late to...