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Thread: ISA Showa

  1. #41
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Grand Champion lee63's Avatar
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    Evening, how is this Showa looking now TWNS? Im Intrigued.
    Hope you are well? It’s nice to see some of the same old still kicking about here. Its been a while since I last popped on but Im still alive ISA Showa

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Its always a work in progress

  2. Thanks Twhitenosugar, Ajm, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #42
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Twhitenosugar's Avatar
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    Evening and welcome back.

    Tbh I try and dip in when I can, but life can often get in the way.

    The showa is doing well thanks.

    It's not grown all that much, but then again none of my fish seem to grow very fast.

    It's probably about 55cm long now.

    It's bulked out nicely. It has a good body shape on it.

    In terms of the pattern it's not really changed all that much, perhaps there's a bit more sumi, but the sumi and beni are really deep in colour.

    From this fish I'd be more than happy to buy an ISA showa again. But I'd probably aim for one that has smaller patches of sumi, rather than the bigger patches this one has.

    One downside is the pec fin split when in transit. It's healed, but not 100%. So the pec doesn't look quite right, which is a bit of a shame.

    One thing I have to say is it is really hardy. It has never had a problem, never flashes (even when all the others do) and is a good eater. Can't ask for more than that really.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk
    13,000L fibreglassed raised pond with window

  4. Thanks Ajm, samp09, lee63, BrucePondsteen, RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
  5. #43
    Senior Member Rank = Grand Champion samp09's Avatar
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    Given the size it was at Tosai I am surprised it hasn't got bigger! The Isa showa I got from Queni may have been from the same batch as it was born 2019 and I got it spring 2021 delivered as a nisai at 43cm. Having had issues most years with the pond it hasn't grown as I expected it probably would have although still up to 62cm last autumn but has a great broad body. Sumi creeping out now too!

    I got 2 more Isa showa from keepers koi as Nisai in spring 2022 so a year younger and they were both 57cm by autumn 2023 although one was the worst victim of the bacterial issues I suffered last year and I lost it this spring unfortunately. The other is still going strong and is a male which I expect could be 61-62cm by autumn although will have to take it easy on the feeding this year after having changed filters to moving beds after the drum. Hopefully the one from your batch will hit 65cm+ as done 6cm last season.

  6. Thanks Ajm, Twhitenosugar, g mac, lee63 Thanked / Liked this Post
  7. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by samp09 View Post
    Given the size it was at Tosai I am surprised it hasn't got bigger! The Isa showa I got from Queni may have been from the same batch as it was born 2019 and I got it spring 2021 delivered as a nisai at 43cm. Having had issues most years with the pond it hasn't grown as I expected it probably would have although still up to 62cm last autumn but has a great broad body. Sumi creeping out now too!

    I got 2 more Isa showa from keepers koi as Nisai in spring 2022 so a year younger and they were both 57cm by autumn 2023 although one was the worst victim of the bacterial issues I suffered last year and I lost it this spring unfortunately. The other is still going strong and is a male which I expect could be 61-62cm by autumn although will have to take it easy on the feeding this year after having changed filters to moving beds after the drum. Hopefully the one from your batch will hit 65cm+ as done 6cm last season.
    Hmh yeah...

    Sent from my TECNO BD4h using Tapatalk

  8. #45
    Im sure twhites will be fine though, it looks stronger and more solid than mine did anyway. We have very hard water here too but i just think the fish was destined to lose it.

  9. Thanks Twhitenosugar Thanked / Liked this Post
  10. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by lee63 View Post
    Evening, how is this Showa looking now TWNS? Im Intrigued.
    Hope you are well? It’s nice to see some of the same old still kicking about here. Its been a while since I last popped on but Im still alive ISA Showa

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Good to hear ISA Showa


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