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Thread: The Daily pond temp thread
19-11-2024, 04:15 PM #11961
good job i got those covers on sunday...
19-11-2024, 09:08 PM #11962
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
29-12-2024, 04:31 PM #11963
Cnt believe how mild the weather is, pond at 7/8 and has been for a few days, fish are looking happy and taking small amounts of food
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30-12-2024, 08:51 AM #11964
I know this thread has been around and developed for a long time, but I think it is time to discuss it from the perspective of building body shape, as we always do here.
In particular, at this time of year, what body shape has been targeted and achieved between early summer and late autumn as the wintering season approaches? This will narrow down the realistic options from the various methods available.
If, for example, muscular fleshing from the shoulders to the back is not achieved, as it is in our country, China and South-East Asian countries, the option of normal feeding at a heated temperature such as 18-20 degrees Celsius is reasonable, at a cost to the energy bill.Last edited by Naoki Atsumi; 31-12-2024 at 01:55 AM.
30-12-2024, 01:21 PM #11965
Hi guys!
I hope you all had a good Christmas?
I am taking this opportunity to wish you all a very
Here’s to 2025
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30-12-2024, 09:24 PM #11966
8.2 in mine at the moment, meant to be warmer tomorrow so will get the covers off for a night before the big freeze!
01-01-2025, 06:47 PM #11967
still at 18C will start dropping down to 16C this month.
averagely 2.5 kWh a day for heating last month (december) so about 30p a day. 12p/kWh off peak tariff.
though i did have an anomaly when i forgot to 'lock' the lid bolts and the lid blew open overnight when it was windy, needing 8kWh of electric to get back up to temp...
Theres a cold snap forecast here -3C tomorrow night....
Last edited by davethefish1; 01-01-2025 at 08:35 PM.
02-01-2025, 08:59 PM #11968
Definately considering heating my pond!
04-01-2025, 11:40 AM #11969
Hi Dave, Happy New Year.
We are renewing our electric supply this year with a view to adding an ash before winter. Would ideally like to ensure a constant winter temperature of around 10 degrees. Can you set the one you have to go as low as that?
Any problems you can foresee?
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
06-01-2025, 10:16 PM #11970
the settings on my ASHP will let you set a temp as low as 8C.
but the lower your pond temperature the longer the defrosting cycle takes.
so if temps get really low it may end up in a cycle of defrosting more than it is heating, and not be able to hold the pond temp up.
if the temp drops further than the minimum set point it will throw an error code and stop working.
but these are in extreme weather conditions, and also depends on size of pond, and on model and sizing of ASHP.
as models like the thermotec inverter pro wil run down to very low temps -15C edited by davethefish1; 06-01-2025 at 10:19 PM.
08-01-2025, 11:22 AM #11971
zero point seven and all is well.
08-01-2025, 01:41 PM #11972
Hi Dave,
Thank you for your response.
It's driving me crazy worrying about the fish being too cold. It's 4.1 in the pond today.
As I don't have a pond window I keep checking them on the underwater cameras. If one is sitting on the bottom I then check again 10 minutes later to make sure it's moved :-(
Could you tell me more about the one you have?
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
08-01-2025, 10:30 PM #11973
Happy NY all!
Pond temp dropped to 5.0 tonight and seeing the forecast for next few days I put the 600w DD heater in the filter for 24hrs on till when air temp recovers to 7 or higher next week (per forecast).
Only covering with poly sheets and the snow and ice offer some insulation. Didn’t bother to insulate the filter this year just left it exposed and plug in the DD heater. Pipes are all wrapped up though.
09-01-2025, 12:33 AM #11974
the fish will be fine at those temps, its the swings when it goes hot/cold that can cause problems.
they obviously enjoy being warmer, but they are very well adapted for long cold periods.
the thermotec eco pro inverter model I have isn't made any more,
there is a newer model called a neo inverter, and from what i gather the heat exchanger is very slightly smaller,
but is rated down to -7C but this also depends on humidity you have to weight up if it will manage in extreme weather.
as there are a lot of variables like your latittude and location as northern and rural areas can see temps much lower than urban southern areas.
so it's a risk and judgement call to go with heat pump not rated as low as some of the others.
but i have a back up elecro pond heater if it gets too cold for the ashp.
If you want the reccomended thermotec for koi ponds it's the inverter pro.
otherwise look at a cheaper koi pond brand ASHP like the remora.
Denise Doherty Thanked / Liked this Post
09-01-2025, 11:44 AM #11975
Mine are sat at 9 degrees.Elecro heater,enclosed on three sides and double covered with an Aquosis cover.I just cant bear to see them motionless.The Elecro is suprising good value,all things considered .It did cost £27 a month the last time i metered it,but will be more now
11-01-2025, 12:25 PM #11976
Got this from Amazon and it seems great for the money
I thought there's a thread somewhere asking about pond thermometers but can't find it - maybe just me?Latest: Sansai Budo Goromo Yamabuki, Nisai; ShiroUtsuri OchibaShigure,Tosai; Beni Kikokryu,KinMuji
15-01-2025, 06:09 PM #11977
Looks good for the money. I have a £40 aquascape wifi thermometer with an app. Working well so far.
A couple of us will be testing out a cheap Chinese pH monitor from eBay, shortly. Got to beat that blue lab guardian Koi tax!2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
Karlos Thanked / Liked this Post
15-01-2025, 07:16 PM #11978
15-01-2025, 09:56 PM #11979
Hi. Mine is 2200 gallons. An aquosis cover is a swimming pool cover. A bit like heavy duty bubble wrap. If you heated to 6 or 7 degrees the fish would be happier and the bill would be next to nothing
Denise Doherty Thanked / Liked this Post
16-01-2025, 12:29 PM #11980
I also use a swimming pool cover that floats on the water surface in very cold snaps - just rolls up and stores away when not needed.
All I would say to anyone considering using such a cover on a fish pond is be sure your filtration set up is providing plenty of aeration and opportunity for gaseous exchange (both ways).
I have had no issues but as I use an air lift for circulation and another air pump to aerate a dedicated outlet chamber I wouldn't expect to. I am aware of at least one case where a cover was used and the filtration was inadequate to allow full aeration without help from the pond water/air interface for the stocking level they had. Stocking level was no longer an issue afterwards as there was none left alive!
Denise Doherty Thanked / Liked this Post
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