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Thread: Cats
26-01-2025, 09:12 AM #1
Morning guys,
I appreciate this has probably been brought up a million times,
what are people using that they find affective to deter these vermin
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26-01-2025, 11:12 AM #2
water scarecrow as soon as it senses movement it gets sprayed with water. you need a water supply and batteries.
26-01-2025, 11:19 AM #3
26-01-2025, 06:24 PM #4
if you goggle water spray motion detector you'll have pages of em.
if you buy one just remember to walk around the back of it got shot in the back a few times when being half sleep on a morning.
Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
27-01-2025, 08:13 PM #5
I don't mind the cats sitting around the pond.
It's a guarantee the herons won't be visiting!
My only fear is a cat falling in and not being able to get out.
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27-01-2025, 10:56 PM #6
Yeah. Good predator deterrent.
My cat loves the fish, but never does anything. Just sniffs the water over the fish, when they surface.2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
28-01-2025, 08:28 AM #7
i have had cats visit and look in the pond but never any problems
28-01-2025, 09:57 AM #8
My cat has never bothered the fish but he’s definitely a good heron deterrent
28-01-2025, 11:14 AM #9
Get that cat a tin of tuna. Well deserved!
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
Frimley Koi keeper Thanked / Liked this Post
28-01-2025, 01:23 PM #10
29-01-2025, 06:39 AM #11
I've kept cats & ponds all my life (81 this year) and never any trouble. Our cat drinks the pond water, receives koi pellets as an occasional treat and often comes nose to nose with the larger koi but never any trouble.
I think our present cat would run a mile at the sight of a heron, but luckily we've never seen one in the garden.
It's wrong to call cats vermin, they are domestic pets!!
13-02-2025, 06:31 PM #12
I think it depends on the cat as our oldest (will be 14 this June) just used to walk round the pond and occasionally got soaked when the fish got spooked. The one we lost to lymphoma (11 at the time) a year after moving house would sit on the frame over the pond and would occasionally try to pat the fish as they came up for food and quite often got soaked. If she could have got them out of the pond she probably would as she was a hunter and caught loads of different things. Fortunately our 1 year old hasn't seen the fish yet so no idea what she'll think of them. We've got loads of red kites around here and a few other varieties of birds that need to be kept away from the pond so having 2 cats around might be a good thing.
All we ever wanted was everything,
All we ever got was cold,
Get up, eat jelly, sandwich bars and barbed wire,
Squash every week into a day.
What’s the options in your opinion?