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Thread: K1 and K1 Micro Mixed together
12-01-2025, 11:00 AM #1
K1 and K1 Micro Mixed together
Hi all,
So the unthinkable happened. After a week of -6 each night and below minus in the day the outlet from my micro bead filter become frozen where the pipework slits enable it to go out the outlet
This resulted in both the K1 and the micro barrels over flowing. Fortunately i had installed a float switch so it never emptied the pond.
Problem I have now is i'd stupidly failed to put the caps on the pipe work taking water from the K1 barrel to the micro barrel and the micro out, so this means i have approx 160litres of both sized beads mixed together.
How on earth can I separate them out or is it foolish to try and pick them all out and just throw it all and buy new?
Thanks for any advice
12-01-2025, 12:38 PM #2
You could try using a garden sieve with the right size mesh. A lot cheaper than replacing all the media
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
12-01-2025, 06:27 PM #3
Give the grandkids a fiver to do it .Works for me
RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
12-01-2025, 08:53 PM #4
I'd just keep them mixed. No harm in it.
2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
ganroob Thanked / Liked this Post
Big Drum, big anoxic filter. Air lift returns. Sit back and enjoy the pond. If it's too late to...