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  1. #1
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Nisai clive1964's Avatar
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    ASHP running costs

    Hi All,

    With the forum being rather quiet this time of year, I thought I would see if those with ASHP's would be willing to comment to the questions below, to give those without them, including myself, an insight into how people are finding them coping. I'm curious how they are performing.

    With the current weather having been with us a few days now, and low daytime temperatures looking to stay with us for a few days more, I was wondering how those running ASHP are finding them coping to maintain water temperatures.

    Perhaps you could tell us a little about :

    Where in the Country you live ?
    Your pond gallonage ?
    If there was any insulation used when building the pond ?
    Is the pond covered ?
    What filtration you have running ?
    What make ASHP you are running ?
    What size ASHP you are running ?
    Do you run all year, or just over winter ?
    What temperature you are maintaining ?
    The Daily running costs ?
    Anything other information you would like to include.



  2. Thanks Twhitenosugar Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Jussai Djstiles999's Avatar
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    Good question, be interesting to see the results
    13,243 gallons, Filtreau HF30’s K1 capacity of 1,400l, Bakki Shower, BHM and understanding wife

  4. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    With the forum being rather quiet this time of year, I thought I would see if those with ASHP's would be willing to comment to the questions below, to give those without them, including myself, an insight into how people are finding them coping. I'm curious how they are performing.

    With the current weather having been with us a few days now, and low daytime temperatures looking to stay with us for a few days more, I was wondering how those running ASHP are finding them coping to maintain water temperatures.

    Perhaps you could tell us a little about :

    Where in the Country you live ? Warwickshire
    Your pond gallonage ? 2500
    If there was any insulation used when building the pond ? 50mm celotex pond, and filter house, and ajoining pipework in a duct.
    Is the pond covered ? yes 35mm 7 wall polycarbonate
    What filtration you have running ? 500 litre bio with 250 litres K plus, 2x 20,000 variable pumps
    What make ASHP you are running ? thermotec eco inverter
    What size ASHP you are running ? 12 kw
    Do you run all year, or just over winter ? all year
    What temperature you are maintaining ? 24C summer 16C winter
    The Daily running costs ? 30p/day (12p/kWh)
    Anything other information you would like to include.



    apart from the odd anomaly (the pond cover hatch blew open and caused a spike in ashp usage for a day or so
    here is last months ASHP energy monitor chart.

    Last edited by davethefish1; 09-01-2025 at 12:47 AM.

  5. Thanks RS2OOO, big h Thanked / Liked this Post
  6. #4
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion RS2OOO's Avatar
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    Where in the Country you live ? South East
    Your pond gallonage ? 3200+
    If there was any insulation used when building the pond ? No
    Is the pond covered ? Yes, late October to April, 25mm polycarb.
    What filtration you have running ? Drum
    What make ASHP you are running ? Thermotec
    What size ASHP you are running ? 17kw
    Do you run all year, or just over winter ? All year - 20C May, 22-23C June to September, Reducing 0.1C per day from October to December, currently 10.7C

    What temperature you are maintaining ? Working my way down to 10C. Lowest ASHP can go (overriden from 10C) is 8C, but I want to keep wiggle room in case of power cut as the pump will not fire up if water temp falls below its minimum.

    The Daily running costs My first year with ASHP (Since May) and changed electric supplier mid year so can't give accurate figures. I'd estimate a maximum of £30 per Month but usually closer to £20. Increased costs were more noticeable during cold spells in early summer where pump would fire up 2-3 times per day. Currently despite freezing ambient temps it is only coming on once every other day for about 3 hours each time. During warm spells between October and present time there were times when it didn't come on for a week, but remember I have been reducing target temp by 0.1C per day throughout that period.

    My aim is to maintain comfortable temps during winter (10C ish) in the hope it stops the issues I get when temps start fluctuating wildly in early Spring, and then heat for growth throughout summer.

    Before installing the ASHP my pond was terrible at holding temps. In the 2022 heatwave when we saw record 40C+ day time temps, my pond averaged 20 - 21C and only reached a high of 22C. On average this pond is typically 2C cooler than my previous ponds at any time of year, it really suffers from wind chill so I felt the ASHP was badly needed.

  7. Thanks davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  8. #5
    Member Rank = Nisai stormstorr's Avatar
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    Where in the Country you live ? West Sussex
    Your pond gallonage ? 3000, Part raised in construction
    If there was any insulation used when building the pond ? Yes - Celotex insulation for the pond walls
    Is the pond covered ? Yes - Swimming Pool type cover used October - March
    What filtration you have running ? Aquasource Synergy Combi Drum
    What make ASHP you are running ? Thermotec Invertor
    What size ASHP you are running ? 12Kw
    Do you run all year, or just over winter ? All year - 16C until Christmas then reduce by 0.5C each day until 10C. Heating increased by 0.5C from March back to 16C. Leave until ambient temps get to 20C and then set at 20C until covers go back on.
    What temperature you are maintaining ? 16C Autumn and Spring, 20C summer and 10C Winter.
    The Daily running costs ? No idea. Should really monitor. Significantly cheaper than a previous inline heater using economy 7 on a previous pond!
    Anything other information you would like to include? I've found that a '10 month summer' and a '2 month winter' works for me and helps to cleanse the pond and reduce any potential nasties in the system. 10C this morning and all the fish are up for a small amount of wheatgerm.

    2,700 Gallon, Infinity Window, Aquasource Synergy 35 Drum, 12Kw Thermotec Invertor, Amalgum UV.

  9. Thanks RS2OOO, davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  10. #6
    Where in the Country you live ?: Derby
    Your pond gallonage ?: 3400
    If there was any insulation used when building the pond ?: 1'' kingspan
    Is the pond covered ?: Pond balls went on Jan 1st
    What filtration you have running ?: Drum, bio & shower in filter house, second shower outside
    What make ASHP you are running ?: Thermotec
    What size ASHP you are running ?: 9kW (bought for a smaller pond, but is coping)
    Do you run all year, or just over winter ?: all year
    What temperature you are maintaining ?: 10C
    The Daily running costs ?: No idea (better not to know ). But I do run solar and a battery which offsets costs.

  11. Thanks davethefish1, stormstorr Thanked / Liked this Post


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