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Thread: Air Pump question
27-12-2024, 11:58 AM #1
Air Pump question
Not been on here for a long time, but still have my pond, and it’s all been going well… until my air pump packed up, (nothing lasts forever) new diaphragms and the non return valve end plates, were the only things I could buy to service it
It worked again but seems to overheat and cut out?
My main problem is I use it split to my nexus 300 and to my airated bottom drain
This has worked flawlessly for 10 years
When I’ve rebuilt it, it doesn’t seem to have the power to push the water out the airline(it’s back filled while it was off) to the bottom drain even with it all going to it?
Is this just due to it being knackered? (I can’t see anything else that can be replaced in it?)
I’m about to pull the trigger and buy a new one for £120-£150 hoping this will work
Any advice please 🙏🏼
27-12-2024, 06:19 PM #2
Could you have crushed the hose to the aerated drain? What happens when you send all the air to the nexus? Does it agitate the k1 in a turbulent manner?
27-12-2024, 07:37 PM #3
Works fine to keep my media turning over, or to boil it up for a filter change, I can see the hose it goes down to a 2” pipe which runs along side my 4” bottom drain it’s been concreted in, it’s full of water as if I move the pipe below pond water level it pours out, I’m not sure if I need something more powerful than a 100lpm air pump to initially push that water out?
28-12-2024, 06:09 PM #4
Is it a spindrifter.I think whats happened is the holes in the diaphragm arent sealing when the pump is off and have allowed the hose to fill with water .So the diaphragm cant work properly
28-12-2024, 06:59 PM #5
what make is it?
and did the air pump have brown dust inside?
28-12-2024, 08:00 PM #6
I’m thinking that if it’s agitating the media ok, it’s not the air pump I’ve seen spindriftetr hoses fill with water before so air doesn’t get to the spindriftet diaphragm
Last edited by big h; 28-12-2024 at 08:21 PM.
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
28-12-2024, 08:47 PM #7
definately possible to be a blockage, i don't like the hose connection inside the spin drifter either.
one of the reasons i got a coastal koi version bottom drain
but also if the pump windings are oxidising it causes a much reduction in power so would probably be ok on a couple of foot deep bnio but not 6 foot deep spindrifter.
the windings leave a lot of fine brown dust inside the housing when they go, and you can only rebuild a pump so many times the number dependant on quality,
hi blows can last for 25 years but i've burnt out a jecod in 12 months...
big h Thanked / Liked this Post
28-12-2024, 09:05 PM #8
He could try a big airstone in the bottom of the pond to see if the airpump will pump down to depth.Spindrifters are a thing of the past really,ive had one on the last pond but the air hose definately gets water in it.As you say,the coastals with the one inch pipe are far superior.Mines been running for ten years already with no problems apart from resonating if i put too much air through it in summer.I generallty now put another big airstone running from an 8mm manifold on my HIblow to counter that as resonation spooks withe fish for sure
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
28-12-2024, 10:58 PM #9
The air should displace the water. Sounds like it hasn't got as much oomph as it used to.
If you leave it on full whack directed into the the bottom drain for an hour or two, it might build up enough pressure to get going again, but then again it might be too much for the old girl and kill it.2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.
01-01-2025, 08:43 PM #10
Thanks everyone, I’m pretty sure it was a spindrifter or something similar
My air pump is a Aqua eco 100 lpm which looks exactly the same as Jebao air pump
Yeah there was brown dust in the casing
I’ll buy a new one and see if it’s got the power to push the water out, ideally need a mate with a compressor just to blast it out quickly, as it’s quite a lot to shift.
01-01-2025, 08:45 PM #11
RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
My 12 all together
They look to be holding up well considering the temps. Holding mine at 10C, not fed since 13th...