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  1. #1

    Advise needed please

    Hi All Jim here, new to the forum but looking for some advise please.

    Some Context

    I love fish keeping have had ponds or tanks my whole life since childhood. Goldfish or guppies mainly.

    We moved two years ago into a property that had a much larger pond 20,000l we had a much smaller goldfish pond at our old house. Me excited got some koi when we moved in. Two years ago and have been youtube learning since then.

    In March of this year i brought quite a few expensive fish to add to the pond. It went wrong i introduced ich to the pond and the fish were dying including the orginals.

    So after more research i started saving up for this time of year to get some filters, pumps and tanks for a polytunnel in the meantime. this was because I wanted a quarantine tank 2700L, a hospital tank 1000l and a heated grow on tank 2700l to ensure nothing like this ever happen again.

    Everything was set up and my plan was to add 100 small fish to grow out in the heater tank, to choose my favourite to add to my pond. i got carried away and ordered 7 large fish for the quarantine tank i had planed on just 3.

    I just can not seem to keep my water lvls stable. I have been adding rain water during water changes through a filter system all lvls absolutely fine. I believe i am suffering from new pond syndrome.

    The grow on tank with the small fish seems to be absolute fine its the other tank i cant seem to get right.

    I have been using chat gpt to help me analyse things but everyday its telling me to do water changes and i just dont think thats right so need to talk to some experts.

    I live in the sticks of west wales and did try to find a club. I messaged one that was about 90 minutes away and got no reply so assume its not going anymore so I have no one to get real experience from and that all leads me to my questions here, really hoping i can future my understanding more.

    This mornings readings on the ponds

    a quarantine tank - NO2 (Nitrite): High, around 2 ppm (dark pink)
    NH3 (Ammonia): 0.1 ppm
    pH: 7.8
    KH: 80 ppm
    GH: 100 ppm
    NO3 (Nitrate): 80 ppm

    Grow on tank -

    NO2 (Nitrite): Trace to noneNH3 (Ammonia): 0.1 ppm
    pH: 7
    KH: 100 ppm
    GH: 120 ppm
    NO3 (Nitrate): 15 ppm

    How to i deal with new pond syndrome?

    When should i do water changes?

    What readings should i be doing a water change? like how high is nitrate intolerable?

    Really appreciate all advise / insights or even pointing in the direction of videos, threads anything that covers this.

    Am really worried and stressing about these lvls. am not feeding the quarantine tank

    I do have a salinity meter arriving today. I had ordered one but it didnt work on arrival so is being replaced.

    My current plan is to raise salt to 0.3 to help the fish with the nitrates.

    many thanks


  2. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Nanasai rolo's Avatar
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    if you put where you live someone may be able to come round.
    goggle Manky sanke site sit down with a cup of tea and ready through his site.


  3. Thanks Growersandshowas, Jedstone, Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
  4. #3
    thanks Keith will do, I'm not to far from cardigan in West Wales!

  5. #4
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    Stop using AI, it isn't very intelligent.

    Rainwater is not ideal as it is usually quite acidic.

    Sounds like you possibly have too many fish in the quarantine. Perhaps whack all them in the main n pond once they're clear of nasties.
    We haven't really got enough details about size of stock and filtration etc.
    It would.be good if you could find a local Koi club.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  6. Thanks Manky Sanke Thanked / Liked this Post
  7. #5
    If you want a koi club in Wales, the best one is Celtic Koi Club which meets near Cardiff. You can contact them on this link and say I sent you for some expert help. The club you didn't get an answer from may be another club that always has been dubious but you don't get a reply from Celtic (which would surprise me 'cos they're very much on the ball) message me and I'll email one of the key members to find out why.

    If you want to read until your eyes bleed; the first link below is to the Home page of my website. Have a good root round as Rolo suggested and you'll find lots of stuff. One long series of articles I wrote for Koi Carp magazine which is now defunct so I put the series on my site. The first article starts on the second link below and was designed to take hobbyists through every piece of equipment including the pond itself explaining everything from the very basic principles and with each article building on the previous. The idea was to give a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of koi keeping all in one place.

    About nitrite toxicity and salt in case you didn't already know it because you've been following the dumbest "koi expert" on the planet i.e. Artificial Intelligence which should be sued under the Trades Description Act because it doesn't have any intelligence at all.

    Salt doesn't reduce nitrite but it reduces one of the harmful effects. The addition of a low level of salt at ten times nitrite level will protect koi against the damage nitrite is doing to the haemoglobin in their blood but will do nothing to protect them against the corrosive effect of nitrite on their skin and the possibly permanent damage it will be doing to their nervous system, gills, liver, spleen, and kidneys.

    For example; with 1 mg/L nitrite, the salt dose to protect the haemoglobin, (but nothing else), would be 10 mg/L or 10 grams per 1,000 litres (45 grams per 1,000 Imperial gallons 38 grams per 1,000 US gallons).

    But to repeat, this will do nothing to protect the koi nervous system, and other internal organs so stopping all food and doing large water changes to reduce the level are far better.

    See this table which which I drew for the students on my Water Quality course to cover every use of salt in a koi pond.

  8. Thanks john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  9. #6
    Senior Member Rank = Nanasai Naoki Atsumi's Avatar
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    What about that kind of teaching approach to beginners?
    In Japan, there is absolutely no practice of such water quality testing.
    As I have said many times before, the practice of always worrying about Ph and Kh and keeping them within these limits seems to be the norm in the aquarium world, but it is not at all widespread here among KOI keepers.
    mesuring ph kh
    mesuring Nitrite

    So what exactly do we care about?
    Swimming and movement of the KOI itself, feeding behaviour and associated changes in pond water and body surface. The changes in body shape due to continuous feeding.
    Talk about essential of KOI = Controlling feeding habits

    The recent introduction of AI functions will help us to understand what we are usually looking for and what we are pursuing if we put automatic generation and translation to the test.
    Here you will find top breeders like Kentaro Sakai to novice hobbyists who are just starting out, but none of them have a test kit in their hands or even a microscope.
    Instead, everyone takes seriously the small changes in KOI's daily life, which they compare and study, and reflect in their husbandry.
    I had thought that we Japanese might not have any affinity with the British, but some carp farmers, not KOI, talk about similar things to us, and I feel close to them.

    It wasn't that bad 30 years ago when I was over there. When did the practice of keeping aquariums become so widespread and commonplace?
    If there is something to be gained from measuring water quality, which I don't deny, is there any progress to be made with the data?

    The more novice you are, the more you will definitely improve your KOI husbandry if you follow the Japanese method of being more observant of the KOI themselves and not overlooking even the slightest change.

  10. #7
    I may have missed it in the original post but what’s the timeline of the setup of the new tanks? Sounds like at least one hasn’t actually cycled yet?

    As mentioned above I also wouldn’t rely on rainwater for water changes, it’s often acidic-I recently had a ph crash after very heavy downpours presumably caused by the acidity of the rain

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



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