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Thread: Koi scrapes using sedate?
31-10-2024, 10:56 AM #1
Koi scrapes using sedate?
Would using a small amount of koi sedate to calm koi before a scrape make it impossible to detect parasites?
31-10-2024, 07:40 PM #2
Sometimes a parasite can only be detected or its type identified by its movements so putting any potential parasite to sleep could make detecting an infection difficult.
31-10-2024, 07:54 PM #3
Parasite identification?
That’s what I thought, found a couple of parasites on a koi that was flashing today the parasite wax about the size of Tric round in shape and another just slightly off round. They were rotating slowly looked a world. Only thing I have found similar searching YouTube etc is white spot but I could not see the c shaped nucleus so don’t know what to treat with, any ideas or recommendations?
Thanks Shaun.
31-10-2024, 08:39 PM #4
If it's white spot and not just a bubble of air, you need to act quickly and the first choice treatment according to Paula Reynolds is FMG (formalin and malachite green).
FMG is also her recommended treatment for trichodina and, if the nearly round thingy is costia, FMG will also treat that too.
31-10-2024, 08:45 PM #5
Definitely not a bubbly of air, I found a couple steadily spinning. I put in a pre mixed FMG this afternoon. Just frustrated that I could not positively identify what it was.
Thanks for your advice.
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ph probe
hi mines susposed too arrive tomorrow we wait and see what arrives keith