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Thread: Cheap to run pumps
17-09-2024, 06:59 PM #1
Cheap to run pumps
I need to be running 20k LPH on my pond to keep everything working as it should. It a Draco drum and bio gravity system, with two returns, one to a shower and one via a 55w uv.
Without doubt the pond is the biggest user of electricity in the house. And I’m saying that even though I have an EV!
The thing is my current variable pump is using 190w an hour. Any recommendations on cheaper to run pumps that are reliable and potentially variable?
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
17-09-2024, 07:43 PM #2
Are you running it at full wack? Surely better to get a 30k pump or something bigger then run it at a lower rate to use less power? I run a 20k pump on my 3000g pond but run it at '55' which apparently isn't 55% of 20k as the lowest setting of 30 is 9000lph according to the instructions from AquaForte but regardless at 55 it uses 70w roughly per hour.
davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
17-09-2024, 07:52 PM #3
I’ve been running it at approx 150w but I’ve noticed I’ve got a build up of waste around the rocks on the edges. I gave half of them a hose blast yesterday and there was so much muck - it was a silly idea and I should have used the vacuum to suck the worst of it out as it’s made the pond very cloudy and screwed up my parameters. Hence now running full whack at 190w to try and get it clear ASAP.
What I really need is a vario pump with timer so I could run it at lower wattage for say 2/3rds of the day and then full whack for the remaining 1/3rd - effectively running a purge cycle.
I’ve hoovered the rest today and think I’ll get some of the black pond foam to fill the dead spots between the rocks.
samp09, davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
17-09-2024, 08:29 PM #4
only way to know actual lph is to measure it,
a guy from the netherlands tested some pond pumps including aquaforte varios, and got no where near stated outputs as soon as you put any pipework on it...
if you want 2/3rds then a boost you could run 2 pumps one at 2/3rds power and one at 1/3rd on a timer,
though i'd get a fixed output pump for use on a timer variable pumps don't like having the power cut off...
17-09-2024, 09:56 PM #5
I like that idea as I have 2no of 2” outlets on my bio and I have spare pumps so I would only need a big waterproof box to take the plugged timer. Maybe 1hr 3times a day as a power flush.
Anyone else tried this?
18-09-2024, 08:21 AM #6
Queni Koi Maxi shower For Sale.
Hi is this still available? Thanks