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  1. #1
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    QK25 drum motor burnt out

    Had a problem today...

    the shower pump wasn't working showing an ER1 code.
    checked the water level in the drum and it was very low, the mesh screen was blocked up, so i tried a manual clean with the button on the controller.
    the cleaning pump was running ok but the drum wasn't turning, and you could smell something had burned out.

    the low water level in the drum had caused the shower pump to cycle on and off and has knackered the 30,000 vario pump,
    as it won't run at all now when i removed the bypass bungs to get water level back up again. so the shower isn't running at all atm...

    got the motor out of the housing which is a pita as the cog stops the motor from being easily removed or the screws holding it from being pulled out.
    suppose the proper way it to remove the whole chute and drum entirely...motor stinks so pretty sure thats it.

    going to ring queni tomorrow and see if they have a spare motor in stock.
    has only just made 3 years before burning out running a couple of times an hour on average.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Jussai Djstiles999's Avatar
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    You have my sympathy, I changed a Burtons drum motor which had a nut in the middle of the motor plate it was impossible to get to other than balance the nut on top of your finger tip then putting your other hands longest finger in from the top hoping you could turn it without it falling off do you started again!
    13,243 gallons, Filtreau HF30’s K1 capacity of 1,400l, Bakki Shower, BHM and understanding wife

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djstiles999 View Post
    You have my sympathy, I changed a Burtons drum motor which had a nut in the middle of the motor plate it was impossible to get to other than balance the nut on top of your finger tip then putting your other hands longest finger in from the top hoping you could turn it without it falling off do you started again!
    yeah they don't care about maintenance as long as it lasts more than the 2 year warranty.
    not sure if the spare come as just the motor drive or with the gearbox drive.
    guess i'll find out tomorrow....

    the real fikker is i was due to swap out the bio tank next month, and wanted to run the shower outside next to the pond while i was doing the change over.
    but the shower filter will be long dead by the time i'm ready to do that and it's not worth buying another pump just to run the shower for 4 weeks...

  5. Thanks Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  6. #4
    Senior Member Rank = Jussai Djstiles999's Avatar
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    Right pain, best laid plans of mice and men and all that. Burtons have been very good to be fair, good support, and they replaced the motor instantly for me and couriered it to me all for no charge, lucky as they are £170 a pop!

    I’ve found Queni pretty good in the past so sure you won’t have an issue
    13,243 gallons, Filtreau HF30’s K1 capacity of 1,400l, Bakki Shower, BHM and understanding wife

  7. Thanks Maddog1, davethefish1, Chipmonk Thanked / Liked this Post
  8. #5
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Supreme Champion john1's Avatar
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    Bit of a disaster Dave hope it works out for you ok.

    I would expect a drive motor to last a bit more than 3 yrs though.

  9. Thanks davethefish1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  10. #6
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion g mac's Avatar
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    Had the same with my Filtreau Drum. It lasted until about a week after the warranty expired. They wouldn't supply a replacement under warranty, even though they acknowledged that the motors were not fit for purpose and had since been upgraded.
    7500 litres
    Filtreau combi with uv.
    Some koi

  11. Thanks davethefish1, Maddog1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  12. #7
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion RS2OOO's Avatar
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    What a pain Dave, I think most of us can sympathise, as well as dread the moment it happens to the rest of us!

    The Draco Motors are basically car wiper motor technology, don't know if yours is but the failure rate of wiper motors is so low you'd expect this type of motor to last decades.

    I guess one consolation is that your drum is inside a room - bit easier to work on in cold/wet weather.

    I grease/oil the visible moving parts of mine from time to time,don't know if that's a good or a bad thing especially for the seals, I just do it hoping its a good thing, and believing if nothing else it will stop water freezing / expanding in or around the motor that might damage it.

    The chutes on most of these type of drums is very easy to remove / refit, so that's worth doing if it will save time on refitting a new motor.

    Best of luck getting it sorted quickly.

    As for a replacement pump - I think if you can afford it it is worth buying one as a spare.

    I've been watching this for a while but haven't pressed the button.... looks like a great price for such a powerful pump:


  13. Thanks davethefish1, Maddog1, john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  14. #8
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Got the new drum motor today £250
    managed to fit it without removing the drum and chute, basically reverse of the way i got it out. fiddly though...
    drums up and running again, but the aqua forte 30,000 is dead as a dodo.

    had the pump out and cleaned it inside though is barely had anything other than a dusting.
    tried it again and still ER01 doesn't even try and turn. so must be the controller i think...
    bit peed about that.. a £500 pump that looks new, dead after just 3 years and only run at 50% or less.

    new motor on right

    Last edited by davethefish1; 12-09-2024 at 08:08 PM.

  15. Thanks Maddog1, john1, RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
  16. #9
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    quick video of the motor replacement

  17. Thanks james9489 Thanked / Liked this Post
  18. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by davethefish1 View Post
    quick video of the motor replacement

    What a ball ache Dave, I’m dreading having to take my drum apart for replacements in the future. The link is broken would you mind reposting. Hope your back up and running soon

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  19. Thanks john1 Thanked / Liked this Post
  20. #11
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion davethefish1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james9489 View Post
    What a ball ache Dave, I’m dreading having to take my drum apart for replacements in the future. The link is broken would you mind reposting. Hope your back up and running soon

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    yeah the drum seal is right pita...

    link works fine for me, but here is the url



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