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  1. #21
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Supreme Champion john1's Avatar
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    Never do water changes on my 3000g pond,drum uses mains water for cleaning which is about every 30 to 40 mins and dont tricle in.

    I do purge the drain and skimmer line to waste now and again then top up but that is all.

    Fry grow on is a different story as they need water changes every week to keep the water ok.

  2. Thanks RS2OOO Thanked / Liked this Post
  3. #22
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion RS2OOO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamoAmituofo View Post

    . I delay paying them by 2-3 months - not that I can’t afford, but I really hate that company as they kept sending me letters and calling me to chase - eventually I logged a complaint with ombudsman and I still delay my payment by 2-3 months just to show them as a consumer I CAN
    I do this with the TV license ha ha.

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  4. #23
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamoAmituofo View Post
    I’m chiming in too. For my tiny 1000g or 4500l pond, in growth months I change water 30-50% per week. I used to change 50-80% per week but this season I plugged in a DD heater to try to maintain temp at 21 degrees and if I do a massive water change temp drops to 18 and it takes 2 days for it to go back to 21 d.

    I always notice a big change in fish appetite immediately after a water change, and this leads me to believe the pheromones really need to be removed regularly, either by tricking or large water changes.

    In winter I do a big 50% water change each two weeks. It helps to bring temp up from whatever pond temp to around 12d temp of tap water.

    My semi annual bill from SES Water is £500 or so. I delay paying them by 2-3 months - not that I can’t afford, but I really hate that company as they kept sending me letters and calling me to chase - eventually I logged a complaint with ombudsman and I still delay my payment by 2-3 months just to show them as a consumer I CAN
    Not convinced on the old pheromones thing. Never have been, and looking at Koi wholesale, who advocates using as little water as possible, who does not trickle in and only tops up evap etc. you can't argue with his growth rates.
    ...but is that because they're tosai / nisai and still juvenile? Who knows?
    ... probably Sid...
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

  5. #24

  6. #25
    Senior Member Rank = Supreme Champion RS2OOO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamoAmituofo View Post
    When I started the hobby I read this - https://www.koiforum.uk/koi-carp-cha...r-changes.html
    I see @Feline suggesting 25% a week!

    I've never changed that much in the pond (tanks, yes). That would be 4000 litres a week!

    Can't help but wonder if my koi would be better for it, but then it comes with risks due to the extra crap and metals we find in tap water these days.

    I'd be doubtful that I change more than 15% a week in the height of summer, though possibly up to 20% on occasion.

    Never more than 10% in a week in winter, and only top ups when they aren't feeding.

    My phosphates are through the roof this year, but nitrates hanging around the 40 mark which is better than previous years, possibly helped by the shower.

    TDS all over the place due to salt, but the 300 mark about the lowest I've ever got it.

    Sent from my Pixel 6a using Tapatalk

  7. #26
    Just got my latest water bill, and it’s got me thinking about how I’m topping the pond up after filter cleaning.

    Currently I have to manually switch off a valve in the filter house (no auto top up) and if I forget the pond will go over the overflow pipe in the skimmer box and onto garden.

    I would like something where I can set the pond to top up 500 litres of water or whatever figure I like, so I can more tightly control my water use.

    I’ve had a look and not sure if such a thing exists for garden hoses? There are simple timer ones that might be ok.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #27
    One simple solution if you don't want to go down the auto-top-up route is to use a solendoid valve controlled by a Tapo WiFi plug.
    You adjust the flow rate with a normal inline valve to give you a known quantity per minute.
    The Tapo App allows you to run with a user defined "Auto off" time which would give you total and remote control.

    Years of trial and error taught me that proper auto-top-up only really works if you have your measuring device (EG float valve) floating at exact pond level - which rules out putting it anywhere in the filter.
    When I built my latest pond I included a 40mm pipe from the pond into a dedicated float chamber which also included an overflow weir. The top up water can be added anywhere EXCEPT this float chamber as adding water here would raise the water level "falsely" (40mm too small to avoid this).
    My DIY ponds from 1988 until present day.
    All can be found here:

  9. Thanks BrucePondsteen Thanked / Liked this Post
  10. #28
    There are options. You could try a timer like this. I've run one as a watering system and an trickle in. It's proved reliable for both.


    Or just fit one of these, it's compact and might even fit in the skimmer to keep it out of the way. Again I ran one on an easypod for a couple of years without issue. This will top up to your level and prevent you from wasting a drop.


    Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

  11. Thanks BrucePondsteen Thanked / Liked this Post
  12. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Ukzero View Post
    One simple solution if you don't want to go down the auto-top-up route is to use a solendoid valve controlled by a Tapo WiFi plug.
    You adjust the flow rate with a normal inline valve to give you a known quantity per minute.
    The Tapo App allows you to run with a user defined "Auto off" time which would give you total and remote control.

    Years of trial and error taught me that proper auto-top-up only really works if you have your measuring device (EG float valve) floating at exact pond level - which rules out putting it anywhere in the filter.
    When I built my latest pond I included a 40mm pipe from the pond into a dedicated float chamber which also included an overflow weir. The top up water can be added anywhere EXCEPT this float chamber as adding water here would raise the water level "falsely" (40mm too small to avoid this).
    Cheers Ukzero, that’s a neat idea using a solenoid controlled by a tapo plug. Funnily enough I just got one for the ASHP, so would go nicely together on the same app.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Hovis View Post
    There are options. You could try a timer like this. I've run one as a watering system and an trickle in. It's proved reliable for both.


    Or just fit one of these, it's compact and might even fit in the skimmer to keep it out of the way. Again I ran one on an easypod for a couple of years without issue. This will top up to your level and prevent you from wasting a drop.


    Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk
    Cheers mate, do you find that screwfix one ok if you need to run it for say 6 hours? Guess you programmed it to run a few cycles?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by BrucePondsteen View Post
    Cheers mate, do you find that screwfix one ok if you need to run it for say 6 hours? Guess you programmed it to run a few cycles?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes, ita basically a battery powered solenoid. You have the option to change both the frequency and duration. Basically any combination you want. Just adjusting the tap allows you increase or reduce the pressure and therfore the flow rate. Not bad for 20 quid.

    Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

  15. Thanks BrucePondsteen Thanked / Liked this Post
  16. #32
    Thanks fellas, that’s given me a few good ideas Water bills! How much do you use? water only seems to be getting more expensive, so keen to not waste it!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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