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  1. #1

    Pond bomb and pure pond products

    Hi all, this has blown me away totally...
    A friend has had a pond for 12 yrs now with no filtration and has finally decided, and got a company in to dig it out and make good... deeper, fibre glassed, nexus 320 skimmer u/v etc 15k later.. ouch
    The thing that has puzzled me is the chap doing the work has took the half dozen fish out and just put them into a vat of fresh tap water with no filtration and added a couple of aeration stones and some pond bombs and pure pond balls...
    On questioning the pond owner which has now purchased 6 additional fish over a foot in length each ( and guess where they are? another vat of tap water), how is the new pond going to cope with such a huge load?? and not even gone through the nitrogen cycle..



  2. #2
    When it comes to this particular product there is a serious amount of snake oil going on with it.......

    The thing that bothers me about it the most is that people just assume it's a magic bullet for everything bad in your pond. I've heard quite a few people over the years coming into Koi specialists complaining that it hasn't done anything for the green water in the pond and other such points?

    If you want to seed a filter I would recommend that stuff that smells like condensed sewage!! It seems to do the trick.

    I think this is a product that's designed for people but seriously don't know what they're doing. This is my opinion only of course

  3. #3
    i would back eddie up on this . i had used 14 pond bombs in the first 3 months my pond was up and running. it did help clear the green tinge in the water the first few days and did help with maturing the filter. but at that cost i would of been better using normal filter bacteria products. it is not the be all and end all and would not be able to replace a filter. as for them adding the fish into un treated tap water, it is like us having a bath in a mild bleach bath. may not look like it is doing any harm to you at first but give it a few hours and your going to get red marks on your body where it has started to burn you. a fish in un treated water will have some gill burning at the least and at worst kidney problems and the slime coat stripped off.

    the chlorine would also kill off most of the bacteria from the pond bomb.

    but this is only my opinion.

  4. #4
    I can understand adding them to a new pond without fish to kick start it and get it through the nitrogen cycle and then add fish slowly as what i thought was the way, but will the filter build quick enough to hand such a high stock of fish straight away??

  5. #5
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Supreme Champion pondwithnoname's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if the purpose of purepond is being misinterpreted here, it's sole purpose is to kick start, boost and wait in the wings to support the bacteria needed for the nitrogen cycle, it isn't a magic cure for poor water management and will not on it's own clear green water!
    This product has been developed by top bio chemists to aid the hobbyist in achieving good water chemistry in an easy to use format.
    Ammonia is the first stage of the nitrogen cycle and purepond directly targets this area as and when needed.
    There's plenty of other options put purepond will react when and if ammonia is present in the pond.
    There is nothing in the world that can replace good pond husbandry put there's a few good products that help.
    Just my opinion.

  6. #6
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Rokusai Bat's Avatar
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    I believe they dissolve on contact with ammonia and then reduce it.
    That's not going to do anything for the chlorine or the nitrite spike that will follow...



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