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Thread: heron

  1. #1


    Unfortunately I lost a fish today. My next door neighbour came running out when I got back from work to tell me that they saw a heron looking in my pond about 8am.

    As you can all imagine panic set in. I opened my front door ran straight though the house unlocked the back door and to the pond. On my first look all seemed well, but I then saw a fish at the bottom. I got him in a net and pulled him up for inspection. He had a hole though the top of his head. Looks like the heron has just killed for sport.

    Anyway pond got protected netting over again now, although it doesn't look as nice, at least my babies are safe.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rank = Rokusai gordon1's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that bud , sunday I had the same prob at 4ish in the afternoon ,4 us sat in garden and down the b,,,,,, came could not belive my eyes ,it did not get any ,but you just know it be back ,so how to keep them away ,yes net pond but looks s... ,fishing line around post again looks s... or shoot the poxy thing prob solved ,then got told you cant shot em proctected,so im thinking of electrocution ha ha trust me I will have it

  3. #3
    I believe killing them is a criminal offence, and I would want to hurt any animaI.


    If I do see him on the side of my pond he will be getting rugby tackled into it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rank = Rokusai gordon1's Avatar
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    never mind a if its on my pond its having it iv got a saying ask to come in the garden first ,or regret it

  5. #5
    Sorry you ve lost a Koi to a Heron, Mal. Does nt matter what your pond looks like, as long as your fish are safe!!!! xx

  6. #6
    Extreme Koi Member Rank = Supreme Champion pondwithnoname's Avatar
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    Sorry you've lost one to a Heron Mal.
    Your probably not serious but just in case, Herons hunt for their food by instinct and aren't capable of distinguishing what is a suitable size fish so they will stab at whatever is available.
    As far as I'm aware it's only us humans that kill for so called "sport".



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