View Full Version : EazyPod Cleaning Pipe
02-03-2021, 02:31 PM
Purchased an EazyPod on eBay ,didn’t come with a cleaning pipe ,my problem now is that the EA cleaning pipe doesn’t fit.
It came as pump fed l changed it to Gravity,everything seemed fine except that now the internal pipe is pressure the outer diameter is 90mm but the internal is 75mm instead of 82mm ,the outlet is fine 90mmx82 .
EA haven’t any idea. I’ve looked at both the pipes and it doesn’t seem to be an after market mode but who knows
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 07:58 PM
What's possible happened is someone has replaced one of the original sections of pipe from the elbow and used a different class of 3" pressure pipe which explains why the OD is correct but it ID isn't?
Someone else was asking about cutting off the excess pipe on the outlet of their Eazy Pod to which I replied something along the lines of - I wouldn't shorten it because if you have to convert it to gravity or pump fed later on you wouldn't be able to without replacing the centre pipe that you've just shortened.
Sounds like that's what has happened to your Eazy Pod?
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 08:07 PM
You could fit a ball valve or slide valve on the outlet pipe and then you wouldn't need the cleaning tube at all.
Maybe an easier option than replacing the incorrect sized retro fitted 3" pressure pipe as that would require stripping the Eazy Pod down and removing it so you could replace the centre pipe section.
02-03-2021, 08:15 PM
Perhaps if I purchase a cleaning pipe 75mm OD that solves the problem in one?
Ps Pods not fitted yet.
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 08:20 PM
Perhaps if I purchase a cleaning pipe 75mm OD that solves the problem in one?
Ps Pods not fitted yet.
Not sure. You'd have to check the OD of the 75mm pipe against the ID of that 3" you have.
02-03-2021, 08:39 PM
I’ve checked the internal measurement of the pipe and it’s 75mm so I’ll order a piece of pipe with that OD measurement cut a couple of slits and that should be job done.
Don't understand why the two pipes have an OD of 90mm but one has an internal of 82mm and the other 75mm
Cleaning pipe is 82mm with slits cut in.
02-03-2021, 08:51 PM
When you say a valve on the out let pipe do you mean the drain or the pipe back to the pond
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:11 PM
When you say a valve on the out let pipe do you mean the drain or the pipe back to the pond
Pipe back to the pond. The drain off should have one on already or you will never keep the water in the Eazy Pod ;)
02-03-2021, 09:18 PM
So close that valve when cleaning .
Will this cause any problems within the Pod during the cleaning cycle regarding the Media
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:19 PM
I’ve checked the internal measurement of the pipe and it’s 75mm so I’ll order a piece of pipe with that OD measurement cut a couple of slits and that should be job done.
Don't understand why the two pipes have an OD of 90mm but one has an internal of 82mm and the other 75mm
Cleaning pipe is 82mm with slits cut in.
I reckon for whatever reason someone has replaced one of the original sections of pipe from the elbow with a thinner walled version of 3" pressure pipe? Could even be a metric version of 3" ? As you can get 90mm metric pipe and that's the OD which is used for metric not the ID which is used for normal imperial pressure pipe.
Imperial pressure pipe comes in different classes normally class E I think but if someone has used a bit of class A (just guessing here) that may have a different maximum working pressure than class E so the walls of that wouldn't need to be as thick and that's possibly why the ID is bigger?
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:28 PM
OK just to make sure we are both talking about the same things here :)
The drain off valve stays shut all the time and you only open that when you drain the water out during the cleaning cycles, right?
The outlet normally doesn't have a valve on it as it needs to let the water out of the Eazy Pod during normal filtering operation, right?
I only suggested fitting a valve on that as I originally thought you had the Eazy Pod fitted already. Then when you tried to clean it you found the cleaning tube wasn't the right size. If you can get a cleaning tube of the correct size and it does what it's supposed to do then the valve on the outlet isn't required, OK :)
02-03-2021, 09:38 PM
We are both on the same page now took a lot of reading on my part but got there in the end.
Thanks for all your advice and patience.
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:45 PM
So close that valve when cleaning .
Will this cause any problems within the Pod during the cleaning cycle regarding the Media
If you can't find a cleaning tube to fit you could then fit a valve on the outlet of the Eazy Pod and then yes you would close that when you start the cleaning cycle. If the internals of the Eazy Pod where the media is are all fitting properly together with no gaps then in theory the media should stay in the correct place. Occasionally you might get the odd couple of bits of media jump out during the boiling process and end up in the middle section then end up in the pond if you have the outlet gravity feeding back into the pond assuming you have it on a pump fed system. But if it's set up as a gravity fed system then you will probably have a pump fitted after your Eazy Pod and in that case the media will probably get mangled up by the pump and then end up back in your pond.
I'm using K1 in my Eazy Pod and mine is a pump fed system so just going by what I've encountered in the 3 or 4 years of running the Eazy Pod OK.
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:48 PM
We are both on the same page now took a lot of reading on my part but got there in the end.
Thanks for all your advice and patience.
No worries :)
Just trying to help out and I know sometimes it can take a bit of explaining :)
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 09:54 PM
If you have a look on the EA website there is a user manual for the Eazy Pod which you can download and it's got a fair bit of useful information on it. Just need to pick the correct version of the Eazy you have and just remember that they have changed the valves from slide valves to ball valves and back again every few years.
02-03-2021, 09:59 PM
Thanks again
Frimley Koi keeper
02-03-2021, 10:05 PM
Good luck :)
03-03-2021, 02:04 PM
Just cut slits in a piece of 3” waste pipe to make it fit. Mine had this with its cleaning pipe that was supplied with it new.
Don’t use a valve on the outlet pipe instead- all the crud that comes loose into the water when you’re running the cleaning air will end up down the return pipe and then in your pond after you’ve finished ....
Frimley Koi keeper
03-03-2021, 02:15 PM
I keep forgetting about the crud going out through the outlet as I've got a filter sock on mine which catches all that sort of thing and usually swap and clean that after cleaning the Eazy Pod.
100 micron catches a fair amount of muck after a cleaning cycle so good call on the valve unless you fit a filter sock on the outlet :)
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