View Full Version : Water Treatment, Protein Skimmers and Filtration

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  1. foam on my water
  2. Bacteria House Media or crystal bio filter media
  3. Shower - Spraybar hole sizes
  4. BHM
  5. Bead filter media
  6. bakki showers
  7. Filter setup
  8. Can I run a skimmer though a Roto shower?
  9. Can I put to much oxygen in my pond????
  10. Nexus Eazy filters
  11. Filtration
  12. Lea or Evaporation
  13. Blanket weed
  14. Enough Filtration and water recirculation?
  15. Medifin Reviews
  16. Pictures of peoples filtration systems
  17. Best bead flter
  18. RDF winter project 2010
  19. What follows what....
  20. nexus filter
  21. Help with my pond
  22. Low pressure bypass kit
  23. Pump and box filter
  24. Pump losses
  25. Maturing media
  26. water quality
  27. Aluminium Mesh in a Filter Box
  28. correct media
  29. Filter Recommendations...
  30. Oasis Vortec 30000 vs Kockney Koi kf18000v
  31. Filteration and pump ideas for small pond please?
  32. K1
  33. foam
  34. Estrosieve to 4 bay
  35. Would this setup work?
  36. Bottom Drain Setup
  37. water test results
  38. Water hardness KH/GH
  39. Ion exchange resins
  40. TDS
  41. Oxygen testing
  42. Nexus Easy Pod plumbing question...
  43. Filter flow rates
  44. hi ph
  45. Do i still have to use de-chlorinator
  46. New BHM Shower
  47. pink slime...
  48. water softener
  49. EconoBead EB-50 any good?
  50. my pond..... problems
  51. Oase Aquaskim 40 height...
  52. midi sieve
  53. New pond ammonia and phosphate to high!!
  54. testing kits
  55. superfish pumps
  56. Nexus Eazypod - review?
  57. Clays
  58. Nexus auto top up
  59. RO Membrane RIP
  60. do i...dont i?????
  61. Cleaning Oasis Clear Pond 25
  62. decisions decisions
  63. will this do
  64. media for showers
  65. Nitrite problems
  66. air stones and pond liners
  67. Bakki turnover rates
  68. tornado 2 protein skimmer
  69. Replacing a filter and pump
  70. cleaning filter sponges
  71. what ya think
  72. pre maturing media
  73. Filter re-organisation (maybe)
  74. Murky water
  75. kockney koi yamitsu 50000
  76. K1- bacbio balls
  77. water change question
  78. Chlorplus blues
  79. Water flow
  80. Fluid beds
  81. Cannot get rid of nitrite please help
  82. Bakki type shower with blagdon
  83. BHM media stacking and increasing surface area ideas
  84. New Pond Water Problem
  85. sand filter
  86. Water testing
  87. new filter
  88. New filter, what to do??
  89. what things do you find in yor filters
  90. whats the diffrejce between a sequence pump and a non sequence
  91. UV recommendations please
  92. Digital flow meter
  93. KC30 Rotary Drum Filter and Bio tank installation
  94. filter advice
  95. bakki shower pumps
  96. Cermedia??
  97. New filter system
  98. new pond murky water...
  99. advice on sand filter
  100. Playing with shower flow rates
  101. making a new filter and sourcing parts
  102. What size pump to use?
  103. dirty/brown water
  104. bead filter o2 levels
  105. filter foam or jap matting
  107. best place to put uvc?
  108. which valves?
  109. Ditching UZ sterilizer for Ozone
  110. water testing kits
  111. green water in winter please help
  112. Bakki showers
  113. tap water
  114. what do you guys think of this
  115. cleaning fikter
  116. trickle tower
  117. Opinions on PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 & Pondpush 12000 Pond Pump Set
  118. filter cartridges
  119. Koi pond filters
  120. bakki showers
  121. Valterra Slide Valves
  122. air stone placement
  123. Algae problems. Or Not ?.
  124. Garden worms in filters...?
  125. Can I Put Flocor Media In Pond? Also Chlorine and Chloramine Help?
  126. sieve mesh
  127. vortex internal coating starting to peel
  128. shoreham q/tank
  129. pond readings
  130. Protein skimmer pump
  131. upgrade ideas
  132. Venturi in pump fed filter?
  133. are protein skimmer really needed
  134. Summer and winter filtration
  135. Pond Vacuum
  136. help need NT LABS instructions ???
  137. Floating plants in 5 bay filter?
  138. Pressure filters ?
  139. green water
  140. low nitrate level
  141. 24/7 trickle change of the water??
  142. Rubber Boot connectors - How reliable are they
  143. PH almost 9.0
  144. Floating debris
  145. Nitrate levels
  146. rota shower tube with sieve
  147. Depth for return pipe
  148. help with kh
  149. digital testers?
  150. pumped sieve
  151. Keeping filters alive
  152. Green Water
  153. Water Change
  154. Hose pipe ban.
  155. Need suggestions please
  156. Nexus Overflow Problem
  157. Ammonia high after EA blanket weed treatment
  158. Pump and filter help
  159. water polishing
  160. Few filtration changes
  161. compact sieve
  162. Adding air to a box filter
  163. DIY Nexus overflow
  164. Nexus 210 K1
  165. Nitrate
  166. shower filter
  167. k1 sand filter convertion
  168. Bottom gravity drain flow rate...
  169. Air Pump suggestions
  170. What is the ideal pond ph
  171. non fishy id
  172. Ammonia in tap water
  173. API Freshwater Master test kit work on tropical tank water?
  174. Cloudy water
  175. eazy pod install problem
  176. flow rate help
  177. Free green water
  178. Free green water
  179. Nexus air line..... Cracked
  180. Is my PH and Nitrate to high?
  181. bakki shower as sole filtration?
  182. best way to sterilize filter media
  183. Nexus. Rubber connectors
  184. Drum filter in place of Sieve
  185. Sodium Thiosulphate
  186. Flow Rate and Filter Design
  187. Wise To Add Salt To Pond
  188. Matala biosteps 10
  189. Trickle tower
  190. Unhappy koi
  191. Heaters before UV or after
  192. totally cleaning out your nexus
  193. How do I lower GH?
  194. filter set up
  195. still not cleare
  196. Best water test kit
  197. Which filter is best for a 10000L Koi pond? . Advice and opinions wanted please!!!!
  198. Skimmer water volume
  199. Quick Question on showers/ pumps systems?
  200. Latest Aquisition
  201. Not so clear water
  202. Pump for skimmer
  203. 400 micron mesh bags
  204. wattage on this pump
  205. pond dye
  206. pond not very clear
  207. Advice on water condition required
  208. Alternative filter media
  209. Nitrate through the roof
  210. Nexus 210 and a clueless owner
  211. flashing after GH buffer added
  212. filter media
  213. advice on adding extra filtration
  214. Clear oily film on surface
  215. Pump suggestions
  216. Are all uv bulbs the same ?
  217. how can it change so quickly
  218. Total Disolved Solids
  219. sand filter
  220. How does a air pump add oxygen?
  221. Are these levels acceptable?
  222. Backi Shower
  223. Adding a Cetus Sieve
  224. Dissolved Oxygen Potential & a Seneye
  225. Pump to Gravity feed switch
  226. koi filter
  227. nexus search on ebay
  228. filtration, bubble bead 3 v nexus 310
  229. Filter options
  230. Quality bottom drain
  231. had a bagain sand filter today
  232. pond filter
  233. Liff uv clarifiers
  234. Filter Media????
  235. Explanation to Sieves
  236. K3 Question
  237. Pump volume
  238. Which analyser?
  239. Econobead owners help please
  240. Trickle Tower/Shower Build
  241. dose anyone use this filter? hozelock trinamic 2000+
  242. Sieve or Easy pod
  243. First Pond - Filter nightmare - Chooseing
  244. retro bottom drain - no head loss ???
  245. Milky cloudy water
  246. Filtration thoughts....
  247. Hidro clean set up
  248. sourcing nexus 300 or cheap 310
  249. Hidro clean set up part 2
  250. Too much air?