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  1. #1

    Should I change this oxygenator?

    I believe the oxygenator in my pond is Ceratophyllum Demersum. See photos. As you can see, the plant tends to grow to the surface and then bunch up which I find an eyesore and the reflections I used to have are now gone. We have a National Garden Scheme garden open to the public so the look of the pond is very important. I'm sure in previous ponds the oxygenator I was using stayed below the water leaving the surface clear. I have tried cutting and reducing the plant with limited effect despite filling 5 wheelbarrows. It also seems to be effecting the growth of water lilies. I'm not sure if the leaves are being stopped from surfacing due to the density of the plant.
    Can anyone suggest an oxygenator that is fairly fast growing (the pond is 10 metres long) and will not creat the effect shown in the photo i.e. that will not break the surface? The pond is from 0.6m to 1.4m in depth.

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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    Most of the surface oxygenaters will do that, pretty much. Perhaps add one or two grass carp that are large enough to eat it.
    The grass carp 'should' eat the floating and less fibrous stuff and leave the lilies alone. Koi will root around and possibly knock everything about.
    Last edited by Alburglar; 29-08-2024 at 07:39 PM.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.

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  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Alburglar View Post
    Most of the surface oxygenaters will do that, pretty much. Perhaps add one or two grass carp that are large enough to eat it.
    The grass carp 'should' eat the floating and less fibrous stuff and leave the lilies alone. Koi will root around and possibly knock everything about.
    You say "surface oxygenators". Do you know of any that are not on the surface i.e. that stay underwater. That is what I need. This is a natural pond with no filtration hence the need for oxygenator.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Rank = Adult Champion Alburglar's Avatar
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    No, I am no expert, so I can't help you on the plants, but the plants traditionally peddled as good oxygenaters are all surface floating / fast spreading, like elodea.

    As for natural pond, no filtration so no need for oxygenaters. Well that is a bizarre concept. It depends entirely on stock of fish to water volume with factors like oxygenating plants helping out.
    If you pull your oxygenating plants out, it is possible fish stocks may suffer.
    2660 Gallons. 4" Bottom Drain and Skimmer. Draco Solum 16 Drum. Anoxic Filtration. Air lift returns.



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